say something about ... yourself!

I HAZ DOG BEAST!! Ickle puppykins!
He's a chocolate lab and his name is Sam!
We just got him today! Hes about three months old.




I love labs...mine is probably one of the most beautiful I've ever seen and every time you look at them you just die. Best dogs ever.

@Kevin: Sweet deal. Help Desk is fairly simple but I suppose it's all dependent on what you're supporting. Out of curiosity, what's the company? Don't worry, I'm not going to apply for the job; I have already acquired a new position since my departure from my previous company.
writing a paper for a style and expressive forms class on why oedipus is a tragic hero; it's a bummer though because all the main reasons are so obvious that writing a paper that isn't a generic average C is going to be really hard. I think this is the only time I've ever wished my paper had a harder and more in depth topic haha

That's like saying, "Explain why the greek tragedies are called 'greek'" or "explain in what way the lord of the rings is a fantasy book"... "How does the author portray that Tom Sawyer is not a girl?"
Your Vintersorg esq harsh's were awesome but if you wanna do cleans thats awesome too.

Anything you want man, I appreciate it. It's probably the hardest song I've recorded so it might take me a while.
Thanks Will. I really appreciate it. My vocals sucked on Reason.

Not to be cocky but at one point my death vocals seemed right on par with Opeth's. Asgeir Mickelson was telling me how amazed he was. But I lost them. Can't do em anymore.
I just thought it would be a good idea to check when the Nevermore gig in London is as I'd forgotten... Dug my ticket out, it's fucking next week, thank fuck it's the day after my last exam and not before, that would have sucked.
What can I say? It IS the fashion capital of the world...

But of course I'm sure it's nothing compared to the highly cultured and intellectually stimulating people found throughout Michigan and Tennessee.
That's like saying, "Explain why the greek tragedies are called 'greek'" or "explain in what way the lord of the rings is a fantasy book"... "How does the author portray that Tom Sawyer is not a girl?"

Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. I thought I was going to fail because the class is upper division and I'm a freshmen and the syllabus seemed really rigid and intense but I got a B+ on my first paper, A- on my 2nd and with a topic this easy I think he just wants to make the last paper give good grades. Our entire grade is 3 papers and attendance so even if I did get a C I'd still have a B in the class haha; a ton of my friends complain about college but so far it's been easier for me than highschool, beginners luck maybe?
Went to the Marijuana March a few days ago. I was one of only 3 people to attend, so that was pretty unnerving. Now the whole town knows my face, haha. If anyone breaks into my house and searches it while I'm not home, I'll know why. :ill:

It was pretty sweet. About 95% of the response was positive! The nay sayers called us "fucking idiots" and "dope heads," or they just flipped us off. I was only aware of about 6-7 negative responses.
a ton of my friends complain about college but so far it's been easier for me than highschool, beginners luck maybe?

Same here, but school was never tough for me. Math classes were really my only challenge. I'm kind of sad that the semester's over already, but I don't want to risk getting burnt out by taking summer classes. I can't wait to register for the fall! :Spin:
Same with the math classes.
College. First year. Two weeks in: crying to my mommy(yeah, what) saying I'm never going back there again. It all settled down in a month. I guess it all depends on how people deal with change.