say something about ... yourself!

I feel fucking great today! the sun is shining, it's almost Friday, it's almost payday, I get a half day at work tomorrow for early camping leavings, and I'm picking up one of these on my way to the woods. Tell me this isn't the coolest lil backpacking chair you've ever seen :)

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I didn't think Legion was as bad as the "experts" claimed. Certainly no cult classic... but I'll likely pick up the BD when it's closer to $10. Increase the scope beyond a 'From Dusk Til Dawn' level and it's probably pretty good.
Just a vibe I got while watching Legion. I like FDTD, but Legion put itself on a broader scale with the story, but came across thin. Needed a few more locations and archangels massacring each other.

On a vampire flick note, Daybreakers was decent for something slightly different.
I thought Daybreakers was excellent. Sans Ethan Hawke being incapable of acting, the rest of the movie was well crafted and the ideas behind it were ace.
Daybreakers was pretty cool, though I was almost expecting a lawsuit after I saw the trailers. It appeared the plot was very close to a book by D.L. Snell called Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines. I busted his chops about it.
Ultimately they only had a few points in common.
Which BTW, if anyone gets a chance you should read the book. AMAZING! Picture if you can a post apocalyptic world where zombies have taken over the earth and a small group of vampires keep humans as food in a castle...if it were written by Warrel Dane.
my brother actually just got both of those movies. didn't think I'd like Legion, so I put Daybreakers on higher priority.

though... Legion gives you a FDTD vibe? first half or second half? haha

Ahh, second half.. heh. Stuck in the building all night trying to blast all the wicked shit trying to get in.

It's not perfect, but I seem to have enjoyed it more than most. I'm choosing to ignore a bit more of the crap because I like the theme. But it's nowhere near The Prophecy.
