say something about ... yourself!

Just received an amazing project from my art director: we will be designing the new Art District in Hayetseville, MD (branding, all print materials, even the signage on the street, etc)

fun, but this will be a lot of work :/
^ oh yeah, I'm doing tones of freelance now, which is awesome.
Working from home, with this amazing art director I worked with before who pours the work on me (which is nice)
she has those cool creative projects, I like it.
BUT: on the same note- I'm ready for a day-job again. I like the 'getting up in the morning going to work' deal. I'm weird.

also: I think my cat is the friendliest most affectionate cat I have ever seen... and what joy! she is all mine <3
My questions for my interview are found!!! Still got 'till friday before I have to send them in, but well, glad I finisched this already(within 24h), 'cause two busy days are coming up...
Sounds nice, Karen!

I'm having a rather pronounced case of hormonal boob bulge at the moment. Everyone's favorite part of the menstrual cycle! Sorry so blurry; the cam had a hard time focusing as it's not used to them being so big :loco:


You're welcome.
Sounds nice, Karen!

I'm having a rather pronounced case of hormonal boob bulge at the moment. Everyone's favorite part of the menstrual cycle! Sorry so blurry; the cam had a hard time focusing as it's not used to them being so big :loco:


You're welcome.

*bosoms that mighty bosom* :loco:

Im a bit bummed. My weekend plans were shot down. D: Oh well. Probably do something in the middle of the week to compensate.
I go back to Walmart on Monday.

I just applied there last weekend :lol: Hooray for Walmart... :erk:

AND... I just did bad on my Chemistry final, but who knows, the professor might curve the grading scale (it was pretty hard). I did decent on my Calculus final, and great on my programming finals. But I still feel sad :cry:

Cara's beautiful bosoms however have *lifted* my spirits :)
aww! I hope you're not getting sick...
I actually kinda love those stormy days... go home, get comfy and be lazy for the night. you'll feel great in the morning :) (I hope, sb!)
I think I am :(
Three days in the making and today is the worst yet. Feels like the right side of my head got caved in by a shovel.

Tonight I will order pizza and drink water and watch The Matrix on my couch. I've never seen it :zombie: