say something about ... yourself!

The original Star Wars hold so much nostalgia and on my top best-ever movies of all times,

I've been reading Tolkien (and when I say reading J. R. R. Tolkien, I mean every book he ever released, even the poetry ones!) since
about the same age of when I saw Star Wars for the first time, so I say..........

Star Wars = LOTR
Nope, I watched A New Hope not too long ago for the millionth time and I still fuckin got a rush during the attack on the Death Star. Meanwhile, just a few watches of LOTR has made Fellowship totally boring, Two Towers okay, and Return of the King good up until the five million endings that start 45 minutes or so before the credits roll.
Also, LOTR never inspired cosplay like this:

Nope, I watched A New Hope not too long ago for the millionth time and I still fuckin got a rush during the attack on the Death Star. Meanwhile, just a few watches of LOTR has made Fellowship totally boring, Two Towers okay, and Return of the King good up until the five million endings that start 45 minutes or so before the credits roll.

Well that's just like your opinion, man.

Also, LOTR never inspired cosplay like this:

Two words: Led Zeppelin
I don't know where else to put this but I've been persuaded to post back on here a bit, I've been a lurker for ages and did post some things ages ago though.

I might stalk some of you at MDF if I see you too, till you agree to have beer with me and make me look popular.

Oh and here's my cat:

I love both the LOTR trilogy, and the original Star Wars trilogy. They both achieved huge accomplishments.

Yet, I gotta say... Star Wars spawned one of the biggest universes to date.

LOTR? Sure, JRR Tolkien had a pretty big universe himself, but it doesn't live up to Star Wars.

The three new star wars movies aren't bad in the grand scheme of the universe, but omg wtf did they have to use that Hayden jackass. Ewan McGregor rocked it though throughout the series.
Yeah, I wasn't even going to mention the SW expanded universe, which I didn't think was relevant to this debate, but the EU is pretty goddamn awesome. Lucas created the framework for an amazing universe, and then other writers took it and ran with it. Good shit.