say something about ... yourself!

New faces added to the stalking lexicon!

I shall endeavour to find you though It'll probably be pretty easy anyway. Anyone else going to the prefest thing too?

Just looked at the weather and it's going to be absolutely heaving inside the venue...
busy thread today! allow me to needlessly add to hours-dead conversations!

excellent bosoms!

probably my favorite scene of clerks 2!

original SW kicks the shit out of LOTR, but SW definitely benefits from generous feelings of nostalgia. taken objectively, there are many ridiculous happenings and characters, and tons of horrific dialog. still better than LOTR which is way long and boring except for a few parts, and the false endings were driving me crazy. tolkien even has my same birthday, but its not enough! a grown-up would probably enjoy matrix a lot more.

too bad mdf is 3000 miles away :(
Is telling people you're sick an invitation for them to tell you that you look terrible? I mean, no one would ever say that to me directly unless I told them I were sick first. Then they say "Ohhhh yeah, you do look really terrible."

I don't feel like or think I look any different right now...
Fact: Empire Strikes Back is the greatest movie ever made.

These guys disagree.

Bloated bosom fest is over :(

Thanks to everyone for attending!

I'm still at the fest, what do you mean 'it's over' ??? Silly TX woman!


Is telling people you're sick an invitation for them to tell you that you look terrible? I mean, no one would ever say that to me directly unless I told them I were sick first. Then they say "Ohhhh yeah, you do look really terrible."

I don't feel like or think I look any different right now...

awww don't you hate that :/
Hope you're feeling better, babe
Everyone knows I love animals and am completely against animal cruelty. But remember how I went on a rant about how I hate roosters?

A friend and I shot quite a few of them. I feel TERRIBLE about it. At the time we were drunk and it was fun and games, but the images of those twitching bodies are burned into my mind right now. I will never shoot another animal in my life. Even if they are noisy rapist. Geez, I'm a HORRIBLE person. I can't believe I shot defenseless birds.