say something about ... yourself!

Everyone knows I love animals and am completely against animal cruelty. But remember how I went on a rant about how I hate roosters?

A friend and I shot quite a few of them. I feel TERRIBLE about it. At the time we were drunk and it was fun and games, but the images of those twitching bodies are burned into my mind right now. I will never shoot another animal in my life. Even if they are noisy rapist. Geez, I'm a HORRIBLE person. I can't believe I shot defenseless birds.

:cry: Well, it's good your learned your lesson I guess. Whose roosters were these? They might have been raised for cockfights anyway, in which case being shot was a blessing. But still :(
Everyone knows I love animals and am completely against animal cruelty. But remember how I went on a rant about how I hate roosters?

A friend and I shot quite a few of them. I feel TERRIBLE about it. At the time we were drunk and it was fun and games, but the images of those twitching bodies are burned into my mind right now. I will never shoot another animal in my life. Even if they are noisy rapist. Geez, I'm a HORRIBLE person. I can't believe I shot defenseless birds.
Don't worry dude, it took me almost the same kind of experience when I was a kid to realize I hated killing animals.

I was maybe 11 and I had just gotten my first BB gun from my dad. We were out at our property in the woods and I was playing around with it. Waiting for birds. ANY birds. Finally one fluttered up and I aimed and shot. Direct hit. It fell and died slowly in front of me. I was crushed the rest of the weekend. I couldn't believe I'd done that to that poor lil bird that was chirping along happily until I blasted it.

Sucks that innocent bird had to die and I regret doing it to this day, but it gave it's life to teach me how important it is.
I haven't even introduced myself yet so i guess this is the thread to do it :)

My name is Jocke (short for Joakim), I'll be 23 this autumn and I like long walks on the beach hehehehe

:wave: Hi!

Its all good John. Ive never really killed an animal outside insects and spiders before but id imagine it to be really rough. Having to take my dog to get euthenized was the worst thing ever. :(
I have schizo-affective disorder. I've been doing fairly well lately, I've been on an upward climb since I've realize I had it. The meds. I'm on have been helping, and I'm very happy to have been getting my life back. So when I get these jack offs that rip on people with problems that say "there are other ways around, to actually deal with it, rather than just taking a bunch of pills - they should outlaw medicine" I say to that - Retire the fuck right now, you don't know everyone, some people are lost causes without meds., you ignorant low life of a human being. Not EVERYONE can do it without the aid of meds. From the intense sober bad acid trip-esque episodes I went through before meds. and on certain meds. that didn't help, I know for a fact some people need medication. So go fuck yourselves.
Don't worry dude, it took me almost the same kind of experience when I was a kid to realize I hated killing animals.

I was maybe 11 and I had just gotten my first BB gun from my dad. We were out at our property in the woods and I was playing around with it. Waiting for birds. ANY birds. Finally one fluttered up and I aimed and shot. Direct hit. It fell and died slowly in front of me. I was crushed the rest of the weekend. I couldn't believe I'd done that to that poor lil bird that was chirping along happily until I blasted it.

Sucks that innocent bird had to die and I regret doing it to this day, but it gave it's life to teach me how important it is.

Thanks, Kev.

This was the farm one of my oldest friends (since age 5) worked at. Originally, he suggested we shoot bunnies. I couldn't do that to a bunny, but I remembered all the times I would show up in the morning and have those fuckers start making noise.

I knew exactly which rooster I wanted to kill, too. The yellow one. The biggest one. The one that raped the most chickens.

The first kill was made by me on that bastard. He twitched. But being drunk is a strange thing, my mentality was that I already killed one, I might as well delve into the stupid masculinity aspect of shooting a gun and kill more. (I had never taken the life of anything more than a roach)

So we went on to murder about 10 of them. With shotguns, 357's...

Fuck...I'm also drunk right now. But I also know I'll never do such a thing again.
Killing animals is not okay with me. But it is fine and dandy for most others, either that or they are just too stupid to connect the dots and realize all animals feel and experience suffering.