say something about ... yourself!

There's this youtube video here in Italy that has gone viral all over the country in a matter of days. It's a girl trying to sing Paparazzi by Lady Gaga and it's utterly horrible. She's the stereotypical terrona who doesn't speak a word of English, ugly as a brick, and whose singing is so bad that literally the ENTIRE country is doing a giant facepalm and shaking their heads in dismay. As bad a reputation as the south has, we didn't think it could possibly get worse...until now.

It's so bad that I don't even wanna post it.
MRSA won't fuck off. If this shit doesn't clear up in time for Nevermore's tour, I will check myself in.

Does anybody question this bullshit!? Nobody honestly takes this seriously. No clinics in Arcata or Ukiah even test for it.. Not even the hospital. Isn't testing important when you're trying to map an epidemic? Nobody, whether they be nurses or doctors, have really seemed concerned about how they handle this. They just throw you antibiotics ( that don't work) without even testing to see which antibiotic will kill your particular infection. I've researched how CA-MRSA works, and it's not due to the overuse of antibiotics.

Cause and effect do not correlate, wake the fuck up. I'm convinced that somebody made this. BTW, it's turning into an airborn problem now. Fuck!!!! Get me off this planet *summons Rebirth and his spaceship*

sorry guys, I've lost it completely. I've been fighting this bullshit for over 5 years.
I feel really stupid ranting about this here, but I'm completely alone. The more I talk about it with my family, the more freaked they get. I also want people to be aware of how fucking serious MRSA is.
Damn, I know what you mean. I read a bit about it too. How exactly did it manifest itself in your case(unless I misunderstood)/people you know if you don't mind me asking?
Edit: the more I read into it...yikes.
I started getting bad eczema on my hands in '04, and I think that was the ultimate point of entry. I was working at Petco in Eureka, CA, and a 'spider bite' randomly showed up on my right forearm one morning. *They always start looking like an insect bite, then a pimple, then a fucking red volcano abcess if the infection worsens. Sometimes they turn black in the middle.* Treated it with Sulfa meds ( I'm allergic) and then clindamycin. Months later I had another, more serious abcess show up on my lower abdomen during finals week, and it left a hole after going on 2 antiobiotics. They always show up a few months apart. I always know what it is because they really fucking hurt during the bug bite/ pimple stage. Even my shirt brushing up against one is painful. They also show up in areas where clothing causes a lot of friction on your skin, ie: bra, pant line, socks, etc.

whenever I get this, several people I know get it in the exact same spot as me. In addition, these are people that I'm close with, but I don't have skin-to-skin contact. I honestly think we're experiencing something airborne. About 70% of the people I know have/had it.
It might also interest people that MRSA was initially studied at the Rockefeller University *twitch*, and they claimed that the bacteria within the subject mutated 35 times within 12 weeks!! What a crock of shit! If things mutated that quickly naturally, we would all be fucking dead!!! Our bodies would be completely defenseless to every bug out there
Sorry about that, Lesa. Well if it does turn out to be airborne there's nothing much one can do, is there?
People who have had SA before and treated it with antibiotics are exposed to greater risk I suppose(if it mutates)? I know we all have SA in our system.