say something about ... yourself!

Called the CDC, they told me to call The Health dept. I got an answering machine, lol. Doesn't surprise me, the county has fired almost every important worker in the Health & Human Services agency.

My question is: why are they keeping the public Ill-informed? If I was head of the health dept, I would make sure that everyone in the county got a packet about MRSA in the mail.
I feel really stupid ranting about this here, but I'm completely alone. The more I talk about it with my family, the more freaked they get. I also want people to be aware of how fucking serious MRSA is.
MRSA is out of the bag, so to speak. The problem is the worst in the hospitals, IMO. They admit an old man for an infection, take cultures in the ER, put him in a shared room, wear gloves and use that hand sanitizer shit for cleanliness protocols for 3 days, then the results of the cultures come back, and they take the man who's been in direct contact with all hospital staff for 3 days and suddenly he has to be in a private room with a gown cart out front and a warning that the hand sanitizer won't work and you'll have to actually use soap and water to wash your hands. It's a bit like closing the barn door after the horse. But wait! Don't order yet, there's more! When he comes back into the same ER 3 days after he's discharged because the infection isn't well controlled, they repeat the whole flingin' flangin' process as though it weren't written down clearly in his chart and he wasn't exhibiting the same symptoms and telling the staff what his dx was and how he was being treated.


But I think it illustrates why they don't culture first and prescribe second. That said, if you know you have it, please rember how dangerous and aggressive it is. If you don't think treatment is taking hold, go back. Call. Complain. Bitch. Call again. Complain some more. And for goddess sakes, QUIT SHAVING STUFF. It just gives you a gazillion little tiny potential infection sites and just take my word for it, you don't want it on your shins or somewhere else unfortunate and/or with poor circulation. Just trim and call it good till you're sure you're OK again. For that matter, anyone who comes in contact with someone who's being treated for MRSA, they should quit shaving, too. That's how I got it -- I took my father to the hospital right after I shaved. Shin infections suck ass. Just sayin'.

MRSA, even when treated with an appropriate antibiotic, is extremely tenacious. I'm sorry to hear you got it. It's just a bitch. :erk:
NASM-CPT test on Thursday and I am beyond nervous o_O. This test basically dictates the majority of my employment for summer (I still have my job teaching Muay thai where I can make $100-150 a month but that's not a lot) and is the start of my career as a personal trainer for the rest of my life. That'd be great and all except it's extremely specific supposedly (I think I read a stat somewhere that only 65% of people pass the first time, the others have to pay at $100 extension fee where you get another 120 days to study and schedule your exam), the book is 750 pages (I've read it front to back twice), there's 36 hours of video which is close to the textbook but has examples of some of the stuff in the gym so you can see it actually applied and has some different information at some parts (I've only gone through it completely once and then a couple little parts sporadically to brush up on stuff) and about a 200 page study guide I need to fill out (I've done less than half of it because obviously it's not a neccessity but if you can fill out the study guide perfectly you should be good).

I've been training around personal trainers and with some amazing ones since I was 13 so I have a pretty big head start on the rest of the population and the fact that I still had (and have) so much to learn is freaky. I'm just going to spend all of tomorrow morning studying, do study guides on BART to and from the gym and then spend the rest of the night studying and then thursday morning study on the bus on the way to the testing center. Memorizing tables, acute variables and other super specific stuff is not my strong point but thats basically what it is plus correcting muscle imbalances, anatomy, categorizing every exercise etc. I normally wouldn't be up at 4:15 am on a tuesday night but I realllyyyy want to pass this the first time and not have to get an extension and then find some other time when I "feel" I'm ready. When I finally pass some day I'm going to be so happy the insanity is finally over and then it's time for a short break while I start getting clients and working and then on to getting yet another certification to extend my knowledge and have a better resume than other trainers in the area I'd be competing against :loco:
Werd man, much appreciated. Also, they're hiring like crazy for all sorts of different shit. Just sayin... :)
I can finally talk about it:

A song I wrote on Down Factor's 2005 record 'Blinded' (featuring a solo by our good buddy Steve Smyth[!]) has been selected to appear on the Rock Band Network this coming July!

I can't begin to tell you how unbelievably stoked I am to COMPLETELY fail at playing this shit. HAHAHA

Check out a preview here... I'm currently reviewing it for mistakes.

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I can finally talk about it:

A song I wrote on Down Factor's 2005 record 'Blinded' (featuring a solo by our good buddy Steve Smyth[!]) has been selected to appear on the Rock Band Network this coming July!

I can't begin to tell you how unbelievably stoked I am to COMPLETELY fail at playing this shit. HAHAHA

Check out a preview here... I'm currently reviewing it for mistakes.


wow how'd that happen? Not to say Down Factor was a small band because you had a label and everything but I thought it was just really huge and mainstream bands that got into Rock Band and all those kind of games? I played guitar hero but nothing else so I don't really know much about what bands get in; that's really cool though!
man I've been listening to Jeff's solo album so much and it just fucking rips. If I pass my personal training certification test tomorrow I'm going to start learning the solo parts to Devil Theory (those classical sounding sweeps fucking awesome) and if I don't pass well then I'll have to go back to studying until I can retake it and pass and THEN I'll start learning Devil Theory haha. I was considering Miles of Machines but honestly there's no way I'd be able to do that plus I don't have a 7 string so I'm just going to learn a couple of the really badass solos in Devil Theory and then make a backing track (in D standard because that's what my guitar is in) and tie it all together, it'll definitely be a fun project that'll make my sweeps fast as fuck.
wow how'd that happen? Not to say Down Factor was a small band because you had a label and everything but I thought it was just really huge and mainstream bands that got into Rock Band and all those kind of games? I played guitar hero but nothing else so I don't really know much about what bands get in; that's really cool though!

I was in the right place at the right time. I'll tell you about it next time our paths cross.

man I've been listening to Jeff's solo album so much and it just fucking rips. If I pass my personal training certification test tomorrow I'm going to start learning the solo parts to Devil Theory (those classical sounding sweeps fucking awesome) and if I don't pass well then I'll have to go back to studying until I can retake it and pass and THEN I'll start learning Devil Theory haha. I was considering Miles of Machines but honestly there's no way I'd be able to do that plus I don't have a 7 string so I'm just going to learn a couple of the really badass solos in Devil Theory and then make a backing track (in D standard because that's what my guitar is in) and tie it all together, it'll definitely be a fun project that'll make my sweeps fast as fuck.