say something about ... yourself!

I was just contacted by my graduating class about our 10 year reunion and found this cool pic of my high school on the myspace page. Damn, it feels like I was just walking through those halls a couple weeks ago. Time flies :\

[KOTNO]Narrot;6987132 said:
there is a mountain hiding in the trees ...
Mt. Rainier, the most taken for granted landmark in Washington. You never really know how awesome it is to have something like that around until you go away for a while and live without it. My sister lived in Atlanta for a few years and the couple times she came home to visit, she always talked about how she missed being able to just look up and see the mountain from whereever she was at.

It's an awesome sight. Until it blows up. Then we'll all hate living here haha.
Thats weird, high schools feels like years and years ago to me.
The older you get and the more you forget will make that time not seem so long. High school felt like years ago to me when I was in college. Cool thing is... I still feel a lot younger than I am.

edit: damnit I missed post #4,000 :(
derick and i went to a local park that i personally hadn't been to since i was about 10. REALLY nice jogging trails in a forest. there were also squirrels...

...i chirped at one to see if i could get its attention, and i was then CHASED BY SQUIRRELS. if only we had the camera :lol:

next time we have to bring a camera and some dried fruit/nuts. if you happen to make any eye contact with the squirrels then you'd better as hell start jogging or else you're dead :loco: