say something about ... yourself!

A valid point is perhaps to get into the conflicts you do get into with equally reasonable people, that actually comprehend what you're talking about and aren't just looking for a physical fight for the "fun" of it.
What makes avoiding conflict inherently more meritorious than engaging conflict?
Absolutely nothing, but that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Avoiding conflict is exactly that. AVOIDING a potentially harmful or dangerous situation rather than creating one by acting on your angry emotions in an attempt to "one up" somebody. Avoiding that situation absolves everything (at least in the example case of the drive through shenanigans we're discussing here). Engaging in it opens up a whole new world of angry opportunity that may or may not play out in your favor. Like Isabel said, what if the dudes had weapons or they weren't pussies and wanted to fight? You'd be neck deep in some seriously pointless shit that you'd probably have a real hard time getting out of. At that moment you'd be regretting the decision you made to act on your anger.

I'm not trying to say that walking away and forgetting about stuff like that makes you the better man, but it certainly makes you the smarter one, in my opinion at least. It keeps you from getting into situations that have a really high chance of turning very bad for you.

I hate to say it John, but your friend sounds like a total douchebag. Not just because he smashed their windshield in, but because he only did it AFTER he realized these guys weren't a threat to you. That's some childish shit right there and mainly what I was referring to when I said "some people just h ave something to prove."
yeh, but 'ghetto' people like to go around trying to scare and intimidate white people because they think everyone is just going to cower in the face of some 'dangerous scary thugs' but sometimes people stand up and the would-be intimidators are shown as the cowards they are.

i personally wouldnt be too bothered by some scumbag trying to talk shit to me in a drive through line, as i definitely dont want to get stabbed over nothing, and i dont really care what some degenerates have to say about my whiteness.

i agree that some people have "something to prove", and breaking their window after they pussied out of backing up their trash talk was excessive and unnecessary, but i dont condemn it fully (i also dont endorse it). they talked some shit and suffered the consequences, right or wrong, of talking shit. fuck them and their window.
Gotta new sleeping bag tonight. I LOOOOOVE IT!!! It was a tough decision to make the purchase (it was spendy) and I toiled over it for weeks, but in the end I think I'll be glad I did it. It doesn't even weigh 2 pounds and it packs down to about the size of a football. This is going to eliminate so much weight and used up room in my backpack, and it's warm and comfortable and cool looking. I'll be trying it out this weekend :)

Check out this pic comparing my old one and my new one. What a difference!

I have no patience for bullies, either. There's a difference between hecklers and bullies, however. Hecklers simply mouth off and you can ignore them, but bullies typically threaten and get physical. You cannot walk away from a bully because he or she will follow you; this person is looking for a fight and usually the shoves start on his end. High school in the US is the's like prison. You have to kick someone's ass to show everyone you won't be bullied and then they'll leave you alone. In larger schools it's not such a big deal because you're rather anonymous, but in smaller schools it's almost a rite of passage. Bullies need to be taught a lesson when they go too far, and the only way they'll understand is with fists.

That said, one should avoid a fight if at all possible, but if his hands are being laid upon me in any fashion, I will break them. You don't walk away from someone who has already gotten physical with you because that gives them the green light to continue in the future because they know you won't do anything about it. That is, unless you suspect they have a weapon, and then you should run away like the Brave Sir Robin.
Kev, whats the brand of your sleeping bag? I dig it!

I have a Snugpak one I bought years ago when I camped a lot, and it's also tiny, and warm (for -7/-10c which is all you need in Europe/ Israel really)
But it's warm as hell and is so small!

It kinda looks like your new one :) I love the orange color!
Not sure sure about bullies or hacklers or how ever you call them, but I would agree that sometimes when someone attacks YOU specifically and constantly, fighting back may be your best bet to get those idiots off your back. But how often that does happen?? Seriously, what kind of places you would need to hang out at, in order to even encounter those type of conflicts??? It's important to stand your grounds, but it seems to me that too many people lately (I use that term loosely) think that it's OK to just in a ANY conflict that may come into their lives. There are some major idiots out there who just try to start a fight with anyone that may come their way; don't be that idiot who may end up stabbed/ dead/ injured/ hurt because you simply couldn't walk away like a real man.

I fucking hate violence. So unnecessary and so fucking stupid.
It's a Mountain Hardware UltraLamina. It's rated for 32 degrees and warmer, so if I want to use it in the winter I'll just have to get a liner to go with it.

The official color is Tiger Orange :D
It's a Mountain Hardware UltraLamina. It's rated for 32 degrees and warmer, so if I want to use it in the winter I'll just have to get a liner to go with it.

The official color is Tiger Orange :D

Thats perfect!! Usually the indication temperature on sleeping bags is a "lab temperature" so out doors, with wind, temperature of ground, and real weather conditions, would prolly make your 32F sleeping bag be good for 38-40. BUT!
Like you said, you can always use linen, and you wouldn't be camping anyways in the winter, so you're set!

I sometimes found my sleeping bag to 'too hot' for summer camping myself.
I have that one, and another one, I bought for like 50 bucks at LL Beans for summer times :) (and for times I dont have to carry it on my back, because its huge LOL)

YAY for camping!!
Yeah in the summer time I generally sleep on top of my sleeping bag, or leave it unzipped so I can hang out of it if need be. That'll be different with this new one though, as the zippers only go down about a third of the way instead of all the way. But the cool thing is it has these zippers on both sides, so I can leave them all the way down and both of my arms will have total freedom of movement. I'm really excited about this thing! I've wanted it for a while now and finally broke down. Glad I did :D

Here's what it looks like unrolled:

Ugh, this work week has been hell. Producing a new company video, has been a bit of a hassle so far with the President deciding he would like to micro manage the whole thing and people generally getting in the way.
One of our sister companies makes lighting, I emailed them a request for some lights to arrive Tuesday the 10th so we can get the set lit on Friday (today) and shoot on Tuesday the 17th. The guy broke my balls about sending out the lights, why do I need so many? Don't I already have some? I need this in writing and need to know what you are going to do with them? If you use our lights we demand that you allow us to post the video on our website etc. I did all of that, then heard nothing from them, emailed and so on, no response. Bottom line I still don't have them. Fuck them, they get no credit.
Panasonic (whom we are a partner with) generously donated a camera and media cards for the shoot. We had one but wanted to do a two camera shoot, hence the loaner. I set the cameras up, put in the media card, they don't work. UUUUGH.
Come to find out in order to use the media cards the firmware on the cameras need to be upgraded. The DP spent all day today attempting to upgrade the firmware, that doesn't work. The Panasonic rep. was very helpful and said we can have two brand new cameras to use on Monday...if we drive to Jersey to pick them up. Fucking nut sacks.
I have a feeling this entire video is going to be a fight every step of the way.

Story lacking some details because it is far to long to type.