say something about ... yourself!

^ what happened with Outback, John???

......currently drinking:


...that I brought from Ireland. Really good!
^ what happened with Outback, John???!

Missed a Saturday (I swear my alarm didn't go off) and got "suspended" if you will, for it. I guess employee of the month missing a day looks bad. The proprietor also told me though, he could tell my dads death was still eating away at me and he thought I needed a little time to contemplate things. I could have my job back if I wanted it, but I don't. They don't even pay minimum wage most days, the tip shares don't meet the difference.

My best friend works graveyard shifts at Target. It'd be two hour truck unloading everyday (which I loved about Circuit City, excersize and work in one) then putting shit up in the empty store. Regardless, I need a job where my hours actually matter and I know I'm getting at least minimum wage.

One of the last things we had to do at Outback was be tested on these communist questions. "To deliver a best in class incredible dining experience led by highly competent leadership teams." Yeah, right. To be a manager you just have to be fucking another manager or kiss ridiculous levels of ass. Really didn't matter how hard you worked.

$3 an hour isn't for me. And from the discussions we've had, even the waiters can get fucked on minumum wage some days. I've been doing nothing for two weeks now. Social anxiety has been really bad, I'm dreading the job finding process. Oddly, I've been avoiding all my friends, too. Perhaps I'm weak without my precious xanax.
Well, they had the "Tip Share" system. On a Friday, I'd go well over minimum wage. On weekdays, not so much. So it was really like 3 an hour plus $15-$40 a day depending on how well we did.

It used to be $2 an hour, I single handedly got a dollar raise for all the bussers by working so hard.
Well, they had the "Tip Share" system. On a Friday, I'd go well over minimum wage. On weekdays, not so much. So it was really like 3 an hour plus $15-$40 a day depending on how well we did.

It used to be $2 an hour, I single handedly got a dollar raise for all the bussers by working so hard.

...How do they get away without paying minimum wage? That's confusing. Tip pool is great if you work enough hours, but for those that don't, it's fucking frustrating.

And you're right. Management is fucking hard to get into. Lots of luck involved. You can work for the company for 3 years busting your ass, but the second you complain about it, you're knocked down a peg. You do one thing wrong? You're knocked down another peg. The hierarchy in a restaurant is fucked.

I'm working on getting out of this job as well, I was promised quite a bit coming out to work for this one in Vancouver, and I haven't seen shit. Just false promises and lies to keep me around. Have a couple interviews ready to go, we'll see what comes of them.


OH on another note, I'm moving again. Only about 10 minutes away, in with a buddy. Need something cheaper. Should be interesting.
During the course of my band's new album recording I made a bunch of studio videos, I think I'm kinda getting the hang of it. I'm surprised more bands don't do it since a lot of fans (the ones we have haha) seem to really enjoy it and it only took me one night to throw it together and I didn't even have that much footage to work with. Mine are pretty extensive since I really go all out on them (on the 2nd one I included rough mix samples of some of our songs and added a bunch of shit) but that's because I hate the fact that not enough bands do it haha. In case anyone wants to check it out and like it on youtube that'd rule but if not thats cool too haha
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During the course of my band's new album recording I made a bunch of studio videos, I think I'm kinda getting the hang of it. I'm surprised more bands don't do it since a lot of fans (the ones we have haha) seem to really enjoy it and it only took me one night to throw it together and I didn't even have that much footage to work with. Mine are pretty extensive since I really go all out on them (on the 2nd one I included rough mix samples of some of our songs and added a bunch of shit) but that's because I hate the fact that not enough bands do it haha. In case anyone wants to check it out and like it on youtube that'd rule but if not thats cool too haha

I'm totally stoked for you and your band! You are pretty fucking good, and the drummer is too from what I can tell. And I agree about the studio footage of a band's recording session, I always love to see that included and wish more bands would A) actually record behind-the-scenes footage more often and B) put more effort into making them more enjoyable to watch.

You let us know when the cd is all done and on sale, because you have a guaranteed purchase from me :)
I'm totally stoked for you and your band! You are pretty fucking good, and the drummer is too from what I can tell. And I agree about the studio footage of a band's recording session, I always love to see that included and wish more bands would A) actually record behind-the-scenes footage more often and B) put more effort into making them more enjoyable to watch.

You let us know when the cd is all done and on sale, because you have a guaranteed purchase from me :)

thanks! I'm glad people like the music and appreciate the extra stuff we try to do; since other bands we enjoy won't do it we make sure we do it and don't continue the trend of not doing it haha
I has a Roland puppy! Poor baby was in absolutely deplorable living conditions and looks like he has a broken tail and was covered in fleas and ticks. He's going to the vet first thing in the morning and will have a happy happy life now. And a very sniffy big brother Blitz.

