say something about ... yourself!

Today, I was once again reassured why I fucking hate women truck drivers. Here I am sitting up in my little office, separating some washers from some other washers that got mixed up due to my not paying attention, when I'm notified that a truck with a delivery of some plastic material rolls has arrived, which was supposed to have arrived nearly a week ago. I tell her to back-up to a specific door, as it is the only door I can use for unloading this type of material... this is the conversation that occurs:

Truck driver: "It's impossible to back up to that door".
Me: "I've had 20 other trucks, at the least, in the last week, back up to that door"
Truck driver: "Well its impossible with this snow, its impossible!"
Me: "There was more snow when they did it... Hasn't snowed in a week"
Truck driver: "Well, I don't care, its impossible with that snow, I can't drive on that snow"
Me: "Have you even tried? You have a 20,000lbs or so in your trailer (found out later it was 37,000), I'm sure thats more than enough to get over 3 inches of snow to back up."
Truck Driver: "I haven't tried, cause its impossible!"
Me: "Right..."
Truck Driver: "Well, is there another door I can back up to?"
Me: "Nope. This one."
Truck Driver: "I can't though, I've already told you the snow..."

At this point I get frustrated.

Me: "Look, just drive over the fucking snow... its not hard. I see it happen all the fucking time."
Truck Driver: "I'd appreciate it if you didn't use that language with me!"
Me: "Well I'd appreciate it if you'd of showed up on time and if you could manage to learn how to drive your fucking truck, back up to the door, and allow me to unload this material... but obviously appreciation has no effect on this situation."
Truck Driver *Mumble Grumble etc.* "Well what am I supposed to do."
Me: "I dunno, since you seem to have a childish fear of snow, I suppose the only option is to wait till it melts."
Truck Driver: "WHAT?!"
Me: "Well, until either the snow melts or you figure out how back a truck up, that load, that may I mention you cannot get off by any conventional means, you're gonna be stuck here."

Driver storms off, I leave the door open waiting for the fat cunt (did I mention she was fat?) to back the fuck up. I then return to my washer seperating. Other trucks come and go, backing up to various doors... one even backing up to the door right next to the one she needs to back up to, which is the same exact fucking setup (the reasons I can't have the delivery back up to that door is due to the building layout, just can't get the 12 foot rolls of material through there and to their storage setup without breaking everything).

2 hours later she comes into my little humble office...

Truck Driver: "WELL?!"
Me *still focused on this separation process (we're talking about 1000 washers here...)* "So... has the snow melted or have to managed to battle the beast and back up"
Truck Driver: "WHAT?!"
Me: "Nevermind..."
She then mumbles something about calling her dispatcher under her breath.

Having worked with this dispatcher several times, I happen to have him on speed dial. As soon as the inbred (did I mention she was obviously inbred?) whale left the office, I dial him up. The conversation was quick...

Me: The driver you had pick up that load from (company name excluded)... totally incompetent.
Dispatcher: Ok.
Me: She can't back up to the door, hasn't even tried. What can you do...
Dispatcher: Let me talk to her.

ON hold for about 10 minutes, then I hear the words:

Dispatcher: Yeah, I'm gonna send another driver down there to back the truck in.


In the end I got the shit unloaded after the second driver arrived and backed it up in about 30 seconds. I even gave the guy a tip, a whole 5 bucks :lol:

Apparently the woman was bad mouthing me the entire time he was trying to back up though, said something to the means of "I'm gonna tell everyone I know not to do loads from him", etc. At least that'll give her something to do other than sitting on her fat ass, eating, inbreeding... etc.

Also, the washers are now seperated and in different corners of the room to not be mixed up again.
yeah, NO ONE should get loads from Eric.

that story is pretty epic, man. and don't judge all women's abilities based on her. just judge FAT women's abilities based on her :p

Nah, doesn't matter on the woman's size or amount of inbreededednessity. They ALL suck.

Last time I had a woman truck driver (and when I refer to truck, I refer to large diesel with 53ft trailer, I do not count small commuter trucks with small trailers), hot little southern thing, she managed to back into one of the fucking doors. I forgave her because she had a nice rack in a nice turtle neck...

Had this really good looking one a few weeks ago, driving an f150 with a small tow trailer for one pit liner, fucking... I would do things to this woman that even the most sexually depraved nymphomaniac sadist couldn't think of... of course she couldn't get the fucking concept of turning around. But I catered. I catered to it. Just cause she had a rack and a face that'd look good with my balls on it.
I despise cats. They cause me allergy trouble. Plus, the game is fun.

I hear ya bro,although yesterday when i came home from work there was a weird siamese cat just near my front door,it just stayed right there which is a bit strange as most cats run when i get near them, not caused i'd hurt them or anything i think they can just tell when someone does'nt like them,anyways i patted this one for a bit and was rewarded with a very obscure noise,this one did'nt fuck my eyes up at all,so i might say g'day to this cat again if we ever cross paths again:kickass:
Meh, so I've recently been miserable while at work. I pretty much hate everything about it. I hate getting up early, I hate the customers and their trivial demands about their stupid clothes, I hate tagging shirt after shirt, only to have more shirts dropped off when I finish, I hate the drive to and from Westerly, and I hate that the managers come in maybe 5-6 hours a week, and then complain about being there and then complain about not enough getting done there.

Bah. I'd just quit, but I already know March 21st will be my last day, as the following Wednesday my spring travels begin. I'd just quit now, but I need the money since I won't be working for three months, but I barely feel like I'll physically/mentally survive another month.
The dry cleaning business really isn't as much fun as it sounds
Meh, so I've recently been miserable while at work. I pretty much hate everything about it. I hate getting up early, I hate the customers and their trivial demands about their stupid clothes, I hate tagging shirt after shirt, only to have more shirts dropped off when I finish, I hate the drive to and from Westerly, and I hate that the managers come in maybe 5-6 hours a week, and then complain about being there and then complain about not enough getting done there.

Bah. I'd just quit, but I already know March 21st will be my last day, as the following Wednesday my spring travels begin. I'd just quit now, but I need the money since I won't be working for three months, but I barely feel like I'll physically/mentally survive another month.
The dry cleaning business really isn't as much fun as it sounds

Dress up like a stereotypical 1890's chinese railroad jockey every day... for bonus entertainment, talk like one:

"YESH, I Get wine swain out of swirt... 5 dolla"