say something about ... yourself!

I seriously doubt they'll let you off because their website was down. They'll just say something along the lines of you should have paid it in person if the site was down.

And they'd be right.
My buddy Tesla and I are getting away from U-hole and heading up to Covelo for a while. Her peoples have an empty house up there and it's ours for the week. I'm a little nervous because, around here, Covelo is synonymous with angry, drunk natives on oxycontin doing terrible things. The house is safe, though. We're bringing our amazing bunnies and a ton of art supplies. Apparently, it's very pretty up there (redwoods, mountains, etc). We're also hittin' up Arcata!
OMG, some other good news ( finally!). I've been in contact with Phage International, and they're hooking me up with a Naturepathic Dr in Seattle. He's doing Phage therapy on people at a University, and hopefully I'm included!! I'd love to be both CURED and part of a medical revolution! I'm so fucking excited, you have no idea.
I'm in the same boat as you dudes. For the first time in my life I'm actually watching what I eat and going for jogs. Sucks. I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I don't need a scale to know im overweight.
or lift weights every day for 45 minutes in a circuit while listening to death metal and then you can eat whatever you want while still not becoming fat and retaining badassery. more muscles = more calories burned at rest + not being scrawny.
even if you don't care about muscles, circuit resistance training w/ 12-25 reps increases your lean muscle mass without putting as much stress on your joints as jogging would (especially if you're already overweight but none of you guys are fatties) and can burn as many calories since you can train every day by splitting your body up into muscle groups to get a good workout every day. just sayin.