say something about ... yourself!

Reading about the congresswoman from AZ that got shot, and everything she's going through and will have to deal with for the rest of her life, not to mention the 9 year old girl that was killed in the incident and how her family must be feeling, and considering what it was all for and why it happened has left feeling literally nauseous this morning. People can be fucking sick for such retarded, selfish reasons. I don't think it'll ever end either, no matter what happens with the world. There will always be people incapable of looking beyond their own terrible, unstable and selfish world and seeing the bigger picture that will ruin it for everyone else.
I know it's pretty obvious shit that everybody can relate to, but this time I REALLY DID ALMOST THROW UP reading a particular article because it disgusted me so much. That's never happened to me before.

If that guy would have just blown his own brains out instead, everybody would be so much better off... probably even him. How can he not understand that what he did will result on the opposite of making his life better? He may have been unhappy with the way things were before, but it's not like they'll get any better for now. People are fucking stupid.
The gist is he's an emotionally and mentally unstable conspiracy theorist who hated the government and basically everyone that knew him felt he was capable of and showed countless signs of being able to go through with something like this. She was definitely targeted. The six people he killed however, were not.
Just got the show Misfits here...originally in the UK and already on its second season there, but I loved the first episode and have a feeling it's going to be my new favorite show. Funny as shit too. Check it out if you haven't already...the first episode is on youtube in its entirety.

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Gonna get my RC love on. <3

I hate doctors, I've only met one who could relate to me; the rest either treat you like an idiot, don't put any effort into it, have you do the most ridiculous things that don't fit into your schedule (went to a doctor who had me go to a lab across the city for an x-ray, then book an appointment with ANOTHER doctor to see the results; what the fuck did i need him for? needless to say I didn't even do it and my hand is mostly better, fuck em) or charge you so much it's insane.
this is the last day to pay my speeding ticket and sign up for traffic school, and the court's online payment website is not working properly on firefox, chrome, OR internet explorer. i think my lagging just fucked me over bigtime. :(
the phone system isnt working either, it lets me enter all my credit card info and then says 'this service is temporarily unavailable' WTF?!@ guess ill try later, but if i have to call tomorrow between 8-12 when you can get an actual person, i sure fuckin hope there is some kind of record of me repeatedly trying to pay them :(
Seriously, take screenshots. If you can record their phone message, do it. Call them in the morning right away and explain that you tried all night to pay but nothing worked. Tell them that you're ready to pay right now however you have to and you really wanted to avoid any consequences since you legitimately tried to pay on time. Don't be mean or anything, just explain what was going on. They'd be real assholes to say "Sorry sir, too bad..." I mean I don't know for sure, but if their systems are down they have to be aware of it by now and expecting more than a few people to call them tomorrow about it.

Also, fwiw, this thread is also evidence you tried to pay on time :)
man just tried again and shit was still 'temporarily unavailable' so when it took me back to the menu i requested an extension and was granted one. thank fuckin goat. gonna call tomorrow during human hours and pay that shit and be done with it!


i hope :ill: