say something about ... yourself!

Should learn that they never do, but it's too easy to fall victim to it's alluring tortilla wrapped greasy spell down here in mexico.
Love Mexican food. Want to bathe in Mexican food.

With Derick sitting on the toilet beside the bath, thanks to said Mexican food.

Perverted Mexican-food-driven domesticity.
I just remembered that I felt fine all evening after the mexican food until I decided to eat some doritos while watching Bubbahotep. I think that pushed my sensitive digestive system over the edge.
wishes I was within a convenient distance to a Ben and Jerry's ........ :(


Sometimes I wonder if all the terrible things that are happening in the world today are just the natural order of things. The way it's supposed to go, ya know? Maybe the world is constantly changing and if we were actually able to end all the horrible things in the world, more would just show up soon after. Who knows? Sometimes I think that thinking about it might be time better spent doing something else.