say something about ... yourself!

yeah. instead of the poop tube, vinnie has a chunk tube which holds menstrual fluid collected directly from me. once full, he just straps the tube on and spews as he likes.
Lol'd when I came across this particular guitar:

Obviously a typo for a cheapy guitar, but that sort of thing does happen with sought after instrument makers. Try buying a Gilchrist mandolin for example - you can't even get on the waiting list anymore (and the list is over 10 years long now iirc).
Obviously a typo for a cheapy guitar, but that sort of thing does happen with sought after instrument makers. Try buying a Gilchrist mandolin for example - you can't even get on the waiting list anymore (and the list is over 10 years long now iirc).

my christmas 10 years from now is still open for present receival, so you can plan it out now kthx
Ugh. Every once in a while I get anxious for absolutely no reason. Right now I'm mildly freaking out, heart racing, and I have absolutely no clue why.
that happened to me once and freaked me the hell out.

well, no, i was walking to panera for lunch and then my feet started itching REALLY FUCKING BAD and then my heart started racing because that weirded the hell out of me.