say something about ... yourself!

Ok, stop using it. I mean people I know personally for the most part. I don't really like it being tossed around on the forum, because then people think they can stop calling me Captain, NL, or NoLordy.
Ok, stop using it. I mean people I know personally for the most part. I don't really like it being tossed around on the forum, becuase then people think they can stop calling me Captain, NL, or NoLordy.

I really like calling you the captain over David. I wasn't sure which one you preferred though.

In other news, I'm eating an orange.
not going back to the college in pittsburgh. wasn't working out, distance was a bitch, needed to just get some stable job going on. taking this coming semester off to work (wherever) and then possibly going back to school somewhere closer to home, should i get accepted anywhere.
The sard forgives you. Sard is not one to frown upon the avoidance of becoming homeless, and making money is ok.
