say something about ... yourself!

Sometimes I wonder if all the terrible things that are happening in the world today are just the natural order of things. The way it's supposed to go, ya know? Maybe the world is constantly changing and if we were actually able to end all the horrible things in the world, more would just show up soon after. Who knows? Sometimes I think that thinking about it might be time better spent doing something else.
... :yell:
EEK! I've got like 10 minutes to read whats been going on in the board before I head offline.

Hhahha, I can't stand not knowing whats going on. Other then that, I'm giddy!

lol, I love the captains Santa hat on his avatar.
No, no, she's got it right. Beer is vile. Jameson and Coke, on the other hand, is making the workday go by real smooth.
im really just not liking alcohol at all as of late. got mad drunk the satuday before i left and then was sick. i guess with all the birth control-induced nausea, i'm not too keen on deliberately causing it with alcohol. and i just like smoking weed so much more.
Owns this handy dandy tampon case, thanks to Samantha :D


I carried it around today! But didn't end up needing it :(