I've been working my biceps for a couple months now.
using two 35lb'ers just standing there going back and forth. Arms are getting pretty damn big.
any other exercises I can do with those 35's?
I was going to get one of those doorway pull up bars but my doorways are too thick. like 7 inches. I think the max is 5.5
you mean the only weights you have are 35 lb ones? you can't adjust them? you guys should seriously get something called the Powerblock, it's an adjustable dumbell that goes from 5-45 normally or 20-60 if you get the heavier handle. i have it in my apartment so i have 20-60 lbs on 2 dumbells, an exercise ball, a bosu ball, a yoga mat, a jumprope, getting a punching bag and i have a foam roller (for myofascile release). even with just a powerblock set you can make a sweet ass home gym and it's nice for when you don't want to go to the gym.
if you just have 2 35 lb dumbells you can do pretty much anything, as long as you can handle it. you don't want to hurt yourself and since strength is so subjective, honestly i can't recommend anything specific to your case. what i can recommend though is some exercises that you can do with dumbells in general and you can see if they work for you:
hammer curl - bicep curl but with your palms facing in towards each other as opposed to out in front of you
rotating bicep curl - starting with your palms facing each other as you curl rotate your wrist so at the top of the motion the dumbell is facing you, then rotate it again on the way down
tricep press - take the dumbell and rest it on your shoulder, make your hands into a diamond shape on the inner face of the dumbell (so it is vertical and your hands are grasping the inside of it and the handle), with both hands bring it behind your head, elbows close to your head and bend from the elbows to extend the dumbell over your head, bring it back down.
shoulder press - palms facing forward bring dumbells to the side of your head next to your ears, press above your head in an arch shape, return down
dumbell row - assume a bent over position with your back straight and parallel to the ground with your palms facing in and your arm extended towards the ground, row the dumbell back so your arm essentially brings your hand into your armpit as you squeeze your shoulders together and back, use a staggered stance for added stability.
and then also there's all sorts of body weight things you can do which are just as good and even more functional such as a back bridge, handstand pushup, w pushup (pushup but with your hands together and thumbs bent so your hands are on the ground making a w and your arms are tight to your sides, emphasizes the triceps), rotating pushup (do a pushup then on the upward motion push yourself up into the air and to the side so one arm is still in contact with the ground and the other is aimed at the ceiling as you turn to the side, come back down and do the other side).
obviously its extremely hard to describe those so i'd suggest looking up those names for videos on them. i haven't made a video for my fitness page in a long time so i think the next thing i do will be on gravity and how to make your own exercises/make sure you have the right form simply by applying the principles of gravity and resistance.