Unless you're trying to make enemies, I fail to see how this could ever resolve anything. The former half of your suggestion makes far more sense to me.
Drunk bitches are stupid for sure, but why exacerbate the situation?
Well, obviously if it's not your party you just remove yourself. If it IS your party, you have to make them want to leave. Why exacerbate the situation? Well, you won't exacerbate it...you'll put a stop to it so they'll think twice about being stupid next time. But you have to be smart about it
Girls these days want attention...any attention. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Reasoning with girls is like reasoning with Muslims about their religion; they're not going to care what you have to say. Could say the same for Christians too for that matter.
Anyway, these types of girls like to be constantly in the spotlight; even when they say they don't want to be, they secretly do. The thing is, you have to put them in the wrong kind of spotlight and the best way to do that is to publicly highlight all of their faults and insecurities, but not in some juvenile way like telling them they're a bitch or something...it has to be smooth. They have no qualms about making you feel humiliated because you're a guy and your job is to be their doormat. By now you're used to feeling humiliated by cunts like this if you hang around them often enough or even just happen to frequent the same parties or get-togethers. You've developed quite a tolerance to embarrassment and being put on the spot by ignorant, drunk bitches, so it just kinda just rolls off of you. But they, however...oh man, they're not ready for what's coming because they're used to guys being their doormat.
When you unleash that barrage of criticism and highlight all of their shortcomings, however, you can't be juvenile about it. You need to do it in a smart way so it gets the point across about how much disdain you have for her, but without resorting to violent outbursts or name-calling. When she sees that people are laughing at the funny things you say about her, she'll not realize that they're just laughing at the things you say and not necessarily your criticism...kinda like a comedian. To her, however, this will go right over her head and she'll not be able to laugh it off like you do with her because it's completely new to her: the tables have turned.
She now sees that the entire company is laughing, watching her for what she's gonna say next, and this is why you have to be mean. She has to feel the UNwanted attention...and then her head will explode and the tears will start falling.
Ah, sweet tears. They taste so good to the ears. Sure, you'll look like a bit of a prick but that's the price you pay if you wanna take the low road. Taking the high road is always preferable, but if you're backed into a corner, do what you have to do. As you get older you'll realize this will happen less and less because the truth is no one likes being around loud-mouthed, annoying girls.
Ironically and for some mystical reason, other girls will dig this as long as you don't cross the line. They'll see you as a stand-up, take charge kind of person who's not going to put up with anyone's shit. You don't have to be a douchebag about it, but girls like confidence.