say something about ... yourself!

Long week.

Spent Thanksgiving with some friends, we ate at "59 Diner". It's a really cool 50s themed place. Helped someone move down a third floor apartment and up to a second one, still sore from that. Start my old job at Outback again Wednesday.

Also, I want a Boston Terrier. They are so damn cute.
so I'm watching the Daily Show from start to finish in chronological order (according to my calculations it would take me 44 days to watch all of them so i'm in it for the long haul) but i could only find a few of the early ones, guess in the early 90s not so many people had tivo. it's kinda trippy though, i was alive for all of this but i was pretty young so obviously i never watched this except maybe if i were with my brother, and seeing all the jokes now tied to history is pretty crazy. since it's a show that's on well, daily, you really get to see an insight into how people were thinking back then/what was going on. crazy as fuck and pretty damn cool. only downside is i don't like the interviews much and that is most of what was saved, but oh well.
If you can find a torrent or something that has all the episodes, let me know. I've only been able to find a few here and there but nothing worth mentioning. I know on the official website, they have clips from all of the older episodes, but I want to watch the entire episode and not just parts and pieces.
same here, the only thing I found was a collection that had 1999-2002 interviews, notable segments and a couple full episodes, but considering there were hundreds of episodes from the start until 2002, that's not even close to all of them. it's easy to find from 2003 onwards, but that's about it and is quite a shame. I'd love it if they did a DVD set of the entire series, and it wouldn't be much trouble for them. I'm sure they have them in their archives, and all they'd have to do is release one DVD set per year, add in some extras, charge money and tons of people would buy it. The only thing I could imagine stopping them from doing it is maybe selling the episodes would be illegal due to the news footage they have in it, and that's the only thing i could think of because comedy central loves milking dvd sets and shows for all they're worth.
sheut, i remember when killborn left and was replaced by jon stewart and i was like 'wtf?! who is this guy? they getting rid of 5 Questions? noooo!' but after a little while the show actually got better with a lot of the correspondents leaving around that time too, and were replaced by such folks as stephen colbert, steve carrell, ed helms etc who of course all went on to become stars on their own shows and films, and killborn and the other old people faded into obscurity!
i didn't even know there was someone before jon stewart, damn. going back through it has been mega trippy though, watching as they're all baffled by the 2000 election, 9/11, etc is totally weird but kinda cool as it brings back a lot of memories that i had completely forgotten such as using the election fuckup to convince my parents to let me stay up late to see who won (i was 9 i think so honestly i didn't care all that much, i just thought it was cool to get to stay up all night watching tv). i still think a dvd set would be awesome, the old assistant people (colbert, carell, etc) were funny as hell.