say something about ... yourself!

A rut is defined as "a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change."

This describes almost every aspect of my life right now. I just want change in anything but I have become such a creature of habit that I'm having a hard time mustering the motivation to change anything.

Remember when I use to angst all over the place on this forum?
A rut is defined as "a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change."

This describes almost every aspect of my life right now. I just want change in anything but I have become such a creature of habit that I'm having a hard time mustering the motivation to change anything.

Remember when I use to angst all over the place on this forum?

Getting naked always helps.
I've been spamming the shit out of this band on FB. Apparently they used to be generic black metal, but they made this double album in 2011 that somehow I had never heard of, and I'm just completely blown away. It's like a more depressing and less spastic Sigur Ros meets The Cure meets Shining. Weird, I know, but it's worth it. Fuckin' Iceland, man...

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Thinking about working in the kitchen at Outback instead of waiting tables. I make good money and get told I'm a fantastic waiter but it's too much on my anxiety to be around that many new people.
I'm in a weird place. Theoretically I have a great job. I work in the IT department for a rapidly expanding retail chain, and I have learned more in the last two years about IT than I have ever before. However, everyone in my department treats me like shit. I work 50+ hour weeks, for about $20,000 less than the industry avg for my position, and am constantly verbally abused by my boss and my coworkers.
I fear trying to find another job in this economy, but I don't know how much longer I can take where I am at now.

Also, I really need to get laid. Its been some time since a fine wench has touched this penis of mine.
i need vacation

I would say so! It's been only nine months for me, but I feel like I'm about to go crazy from it all. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed a week from today, and I'm honestly looking forward to it because I'll get a day or two to rest and not do shit. I'm sure I'll still find some shit to do, though. :goggly:
Awesome! At the risk of sounding like some dirty new age hippie, hair has a lot of energy, both good and bad. Cutting it all off is like a big reset button, both physically and mentally. It's like wiping the slate clean. You may miss headbanging with it, but you're 30-something and not a kid anymore. I'm sure you have bigger priorities than something so trivial. You can always grow it out again if you want.
Awesome! At the risk of sounding like some dirty new age hippie, hair has a lot of energy, both good and bad. Cutting it all off is like a big reset button, both physically and mentally. It's like wiping the slate clean. You may miss headbanging with it, but you're 30-something and not a kid anymore. I'm sure you have bigger priorities than something so trivial. You can always grow it out again if you want.
I will not miss headbanging with it as I haven't even done that since I was playing in bands years ago. My hair is ultra fine, so it would tangle up extremely badly when I played shows. I will not miss brushing out that mess!

I think I'll most likely grow it back out a little, so it's around shoulder length and call that good.