say something about ... yourself!

I am now officially an uncle since about 2 hours ago. My sister gave birth to a baby girl today at 11:55 pm and it was my first experience around a newborn. It was pretty amazing and exciting. I've told friends and everyone but I still felt like bragging. :)
Nieces/nephews are the best! <3
This! Because you can play with them and have all the good times and then when they shit themselves or start bawling, you can just leave them to their parents to deal with. Nieces and nephews are all fun and no responsibility :)
I'm currently sat here at work (4:45am) bored out of my mind waiting on thread replies... You could say do something productive for a while, but hey I'm at work and its 4:45am... There's not much going on.
Ever passed a kidney stone? I've heard far and wide that absolutely nothing tops that pain.

Oh trust me nothing does. Not even being stuck in a car with a friend who likes rap. I never want to go through either again (the rap and the kidney stone).
I've hit the water at 100+ mph twice, been t-boned by a drunk driver, wacked by ground lightning, among several other incidents and nothing will top the pain of a recluse bite. It is fucking brutal.

Damn woman, you've taken some abuse...