say something about ... yourself!

Holy shit, this so much. Check around your state benefits options (or county) and see if you can get that shit taken care of for little cost. Cuz mang, its hella worth it!

This. Plus, some Oral Surgeons say to pay up front. But if you shop around you'll find that most are willing to take payment plans.
Funniest thing yet: The buzzard pilots when they get near you start singing Flight of the Valkyries...

This is the closest I've been to happy in a long time. Living with friends and close to friends has done a lot for my loneliness, and being away from my crazy mother makes me appreciAte the bitch more. If I can just survive the rest of probation, things will be ok.
Yeah, that's great news, man. Even if you're dirt poor, if you're around people you enjoy being around and you're living a productive lifestyle, your happiness shoots up tenfold. Glad to hear it. Keep it up.
That's a great article and 100% true. I don't socialize often because I don't like people asking shit from me or being annoyed by strangers. My tolerance for annoyance really is low due to the internet, and therefore I am easily annoyed at just the slightest inconvenience. I may not scream and yell and pull out my hair, but it bothers me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind doing favors for friends, but I've realized that there are friends who ask too much and friends who are really passive aggressive dicks. I don't have any friends who are dicks anymore. Everyone has had that one friend who was the dick of the group, always talking shit, always making scenes, etc. I've reached a point in my life that I don't even get near them because they piss me off. My outlook on what constitutes a friend has changed drastically over the years, and if they annoy me often enough, they're no longer friends.

I tend to not hang out with people who aren't close friends. Even acquaintances bore me because I've already decided why they're acquaintances and not friends. Fewer friends means less shit you have to put up with, quite honestly. Quality over quantity. If I do something that annoys someone, I cease doing it. However, for some reason some friends think that because they're friends that everything is, just no. I demand a lot from my friends and my friends demand a lot from me, otherwise they wouldn't be friends. Having a tolerance to annoyance isn't one of my demands because if you're annoying I don't wanna be around you.

That said, friends who are family (which are usually the closest friends) and friends from school are allowed more leeway just due to the history. I hadn't seen a high school friend (one of the only friends I had growing up) since high school and he just came to visit here in Venice, and we picked up right where we left off. It was great. That is true friendship, and like romantic relationships, they should feel natural and not forced.
Well, to be sure, people who consistently annoy you are either people who do it on purpose, or people who are really incompatible with you. Neither make for good friends. But what's most striking about it is the fact (and it is a fact!) that the online culture lets you interact with more people, but ironically, it actually makes you fucking lonely.
It's due to lack of MEANINGFUL contact. You are unable to share your experiences as you experience them because they all are anecdotal, theoretical, or hypothetical.

That said, there is a big bonus for online contact: learning new things and getting different points of view every second of every day. It's good to get us out of our shells sometimes.