say something about ... yourself!



He posted em on the new Relapse board.

edit: er, the new board everyone else went to when the Relapse board died.
I am pissed...

Couldn't sleep at all last night, so instead of trying to continue the useless endeavor of attempting to sleep, I decided to go and get an early breakfast. So I walk down the street to my local breakfast emporium, and they're closed for renovations. This place has some great coffee, donuts, and an incomparable breakfast burrito. The entire meal costs only 4.50 as well, making it a sure hit with the budget diner.

With it closed, I have to make my way a little further to 7-11.

I look around, and the regular coffee looks fairly odd, so I opt for the "French Vanilla" blend. The breakfast burritos seemed ok, so I grab one of those. I also see some donuts in a rack, krispy kreme, so I grab a couple glazed and go to the counter. 6 bucks this cost me.

Already distraught, I start my journey home and indulge in the pricey feast which rests in my hands.

The first thing I notice is that the French Vanilla coffee shit really is french. As soon as I drank it, the coffee wanted to retreat from my stomach the same way it went in. Despite this turn-off, I go ahead and bite into one of the over-priced donuts. Immediately I noticed a foul, dry, taste... these donuts have been sitting in the rack for quite some time. Probably from the day before, knowing the fucks that run this establishment. The breakfast burrito? Not bad, if you're one to consider the resulting product of a raccoon's bowel movement a delicacy.

This week is going to blow. A lack breakfast makes me cranky these days and there is no way in fuck I am paying for that plethora of garbage again. I shall consume many a banana, I suppose. Banana's never treat me wrong.
where you failed was getting something to eat at 7-11. I laugh at you and your lack of a Wawa

Why don't you mail me a god damn WAWA... I mean, whats shipping on those cost, not much, I'm sure. Actually... its Wawa, it can fucking fly. You don't even need to ship it. You just have to go to the Hoagie selection and select the secret option: "Fly this motherfucking Wawa to Eric so he doesn't have to be subjected to the solidified equivalent of horse cum for breakfast this week".