say something about ... yourself!

lol. global warming.
If illegals were made citizens, and had to pay taxes, they wouldnt take shitty paying jobs. Do you realize how much money each state loses because of the illegals.
and I wish I remembered where I saw the global tax thing. oh well.
steve: what neal says, ditch those leeches.

but it's great that your landlord is so understanding about that whole situation! and with all the work you're doing, you're getting lots of monies to get a better place and all and buy a better girlfriend! :loco:
Yeah Steve feel better, you don't need them, they're just keeping you down. Whether or not she's actually cheating on you, she's still doing fucked up things that you don't need. You're working so hard you deserve something out of it. I hope you find a new room mate, and a new girlfriend. ::hugs:: as Neal said, DITCH THOSE BITCHES, I mean leaches, or whatever it was he said, it's all the same, sir.
Ahh today went so smoothly for once. I normally dread orthodontist appointments because it's a Christian environment and people look at me funny but not today.

I took mah xanax, wore mah mjolnir, and went in there with pride. The 17 year old buzz cut crip looking bastard lost a stare down to me, the sexy black woman who does my braces did not startle me by doing whatever it is she does with the hook thing and make me jump today, and we discussed our love for the L L Cool J song "Momma Said Knock You Out", and I now feel confident.
I saw in the news today that Hillary Clinton is starting to succeed.

OH GOD NO, NO NO NO NO NO. America! Don't do this to the world! :erk:
Ahh today went so smoothly for once. I normally dread orthodontist appointments because it's a Christian environment and people look at me funny but not today.

I took mah xanax, wore mah mjolnir, and went in there with pride. The 17 year old buzz cut crip looking bastard lost a stare down to me, the sexy black woman who does my braces did not startle me by doing whatever it is she does with the hook thing and make me jump today, and we discussed our love for the L L Cool J song "Momma Said Knock You Out", and I now feel confident.

:) awesome. No school today? How is your car and such?
I never go to school with I have an appointment hehe. There would have been no point since I get out early being a senior anyway.

Car had battery problems and is working for the time being. My dad says he knows whats wrong with it and will fix it when he comes up here this month.
lol. global warming.
If illegals were made citizens, and had to pay taxes, they wouldnt take shitty paying jobs. Do you realize how much money each state loses because of the illegals.
and I wish I remembered where I saw the global tax thing. oh well.

do you realize that without illegals the economy of quite some states would implode on its own. That is why in Nebraska the immigration police got kicked out when they started raiding factories. If it weren't for illegals working in the fields in Eastern Washington I wouldn't be eating apples so cheaply and have a school launch. Again, America needs those aliens. What the fuck, america IS aliens...

haha, global warming, read a chemistry book to see what happens when you put more co2 and ch4 in an environment and give it heat. And then see what happens to ice when the temperature increases. Just do a simple experiment or use basic scientifc knowledge and some critical thinking and you will see that it is very real. but maybe you are the biproduct of a failed educational system and you can't actually do that...