say something about ... yourself!

It's raning like crazy outside, and because it's also windy, the rain has this angle that hit my house right on the front windows,
and it just shifted, - so all of a sudden there was this noise hitting the windows and Shrike (who is always by my side, sleeping/ hanging)
just jumped all scared and seeked for my protection AWWWWW!!!!!
aww shrike

yeah... the rain and wind and stuff is CRAZY. apparently there's a tornado warning ... at least for my area of md. sounds bad enough outside for something to happen

Yeah my best friend who goes to school in South Carolina just said THEY have a tornado warning too and that it's crazy windy and raining and shit. Be safe!

And yes aww to Shrike!

Got blood work done today, I should hear back on Saturday, that seems like an awfully long time, but it's a "full work up" so... I don't know, wish me lucks!
i guess the east coasters are getting the storms that we had there the other night. we were under tornado warnings here, but it never did anything eventful. lol it was 70 degrees that night, then the next night we had snow. *shakes head*

don't blow away, lauwa! and good luck with your blood, jen :p
Oh come on, if you're not a crazy criminal, you're going to be able to keep your guns no matter who takes office. Getting NEW ones can present a challenge, however.
pfft, Obama wants to take away all semi auto weapons.
Doesnt want concealed carry.
This state already sucks enough as it is, the rest of the country doesnt need this shit.

moar liek oh noes crazy taxes to give money to worthless losers and buy them healthcare!@

(hopefully the dems realize national healthcare is a dream and work on fixing the fucked up system thats already here)
yep, taxes. Bullshit global taxes, and sending a ton of money to Africa.
drivers licenses for illegals.
The guy has done absolutely NOTHING! and people like him because he can speak. wake the fuck up!
If he takes away semi autos, get a bunch of hunting rifles. Criminals will just have to die with bigger holes in them won't they?
pfft, Obama wants to take away all semi auto weapons.
Doesnt want concealed carry.
This state already sucks enough as it is, the rest of the country doesnt need this shit.

yep, taxes. Bullshit global taxes, and sending a ton of money to Africa.
drivers licenses for illegals.
The guy has done absolutely NOTHING! and people like him because he can speak. wake the fuck up!

1. What global tax? seriously, know your shit
plus, you realize how small of percentage goes to foreign aid, right? Most foreign aid is given through corporations that make profits through it and help the economy in some ways. moreover, taxes under obama would be targeted towards the rich, not the middle class, so you might pay less taxes under him. It would be bill gates and corporations who outsource who will pay more taxes (indirect protectionism).

2. I take an illegal any day of the week over trailer trash. Illegals are here becuase there is a demand for them. If there wasn't a demand, they would come to see there is nothing in the US and they would leave. The reason why they are here is because someone needs to do the lower end jobs on which a part of the economy is built. The issue of driver licenses is that when an illegal hits someone he won't run out of fear of extradition. Moreover, if they get a license legally they would have to go through a driving tests, so they are competent enough they dont kill people.

3. Guns AGAIN?

how about if the economy maintains its course you won't be able to afford guns? How about you keep on sucking arab dick for oil and you pay more for gas. Will you be able to afford guns then? How about the ocean rises and temperature rises and not that much food will grow and grain prices skyrocket...will you be able to afford guns then?

just pointing out how shitty of an idea it is to vote based on soft issues like guns, and how even of a shittier idea is to take ideology over pragmatism....
Sorry to all that this may apply to. But lately i have been on edge and have become annoying and blunt, on here and everyone around me.

I had to break my lease because i am working 20+ overtime most weeks, my room-mate won't pay any bills or rent, so its just been building up and i been under a huge deal of stress lately...I have been so tired that i accidentally fell asleep here at work just now and i probably missed something. It seems that my attempts to get back on my feet are failing, moving to a new state, getting use to the environment and trying to make friends has become rough. I'm just mainly very tired and very stressed out, and I am sorry.

Now i am living with someone for the time being until i can find a room-mate that can help me i been moving all day yesterday. I have my way with words, and I happened to talk to my landlord down to not even charging me with any fee for breaking lease! She even said she won't put it on my credit, because she knows i have been working my ass off and my room-mate just buys drugs and doesn't work ever...She actually told me she wanted to put the "breaking lease" credit all on him.

I dunno, lately its been up and down, with my girlfriend spending the night at some guys house...i come home and she is wearing his jacket....just things keep on building on top of each other..

Anyway back to work, i need to wake up.