say something about ... yourself!

DarkestPisces31 (7:08:25 PM): i was up in front of the judge explaining what happened, and that the visability was poor at the intersection
DarkestPisces31 (7:09:03 PM): the judge said that she knew what i was talking about and just as she was about to say something else, my mom tells me to show the judge the pics she (my mom) took of cars parked at the intersection
DarkestPisces31 (7:09:39 PM): the judge asks my mom what she's talking about and my mom just rambles on restating everythig i said and confirming something the judge ALREADY agreed to
NoLordyCapone (7:10:13 PM): Did you apologize tot he judge for her mouth? :p
DarkestPisces31 (7:10:47 PM): my mom stops talking, the judge repeats that she's familiar with the poor visability at that intersection, says something else i was too nervous and disoriented to remember and says she's reducing it to one point on my license, fees, etc
DarkestPisces31 (7:10:50 PM): we leave
oh yeah, so after court's over, i go to the nifty little coffee place down the street to get something to eat before going to the gym and i see a friend of mine who i haven't seen in a while. we wind up hanging there for a few hours, walk down to the used book store, just "catching up" and all... it was really nice seeing her. and then i go to the gym, work out for like an hour and a half and come home. a pretty good way to spend an otherwise nerve-wracking day.
So it didn't turn out that bad in the end, huh? Congrats then. Though I have no Idea what one point on your license will practically mean, not familiar with your system.
k. Pulling your mother in front of a judge is always quite risky. You may benefit from the emotional factor of a haggard mother, but if she goes over the top and pisses off the judge, you have a problem. I know what I'm talking about haha.
Today's been a bad day. This is a story of menstruation, just fyi before you read any further.

First, I get up, get ready & realize that what I thought was an adequate stock of tampons and maxi pads for the day were actually just empty wrappers. I had one of each, which I utilized this morning, and assumed that the bathroom at the symphony would have a vending machine so that I could change them once we got to the symphony and I'd be ok til we left and could go to the store, etc.

NOPE. Intermission came along and I thought we were going to leave then, but Derick wanted to stay for the second half. Uggggh. I don't even know how to describe the feeling to men. It's like wearing a wet diaper that continues to fill, and fill, and fill, til you know it's about to overflow. The only saving grace was that I kept falling asleep, letting me forget every few moments that I was about to make a mess in my seat.

The symphony finally ended and we rushed to the nearest McDonalds. No vending machine there either. I haven't cried in a long time but that is such a desparate feeling, I CRIED. Finally we found a Whataburger that saved my life. But not my panties. It was too late for them. Luckily I brought a sweater along that I could wrap around my waist while the bloodied panties started to soak through onto my pants.

So thennnn we stopped by the dollar store on the way home so I could run in and get my supplies, which of course took forever because the only open register was broken and it took them way too long to figure that out, before they opened the other register.

We got home and my mom comes through the door bitching at me for not answering my phone, which was still in my purse and on silent, because you know, you can't have your phones making noise at the symphony. With the situation I was in, turning my phone back on to regular mode was the last thing on my mind...but I sarded explaining my whole day to her, as the rest of my family would hear and make fun. So I only explained a little, not going into the details, and she started mocking me, gobbling like a turkey. From what I could tell, Derick was trying to hide a smirk. THANKS.

So...I cried again over that, because I hate being made fun of (especially if Derick is getting a kick out of it) when I'm truly feeling like crap.

[/period rant]

So...several days after all that drama, it's just dawned on me that the tampon & pad that's always in the way of whatever we're looking for in the glove compartment, is still there. As always <_<


gahhh that sucks sooo bad cara!!

and wtf at your mother gobbling? laame. but yeah, that whole thing just SUCKS. one thing goes wrong and the stress of it makes everything else like a billion times worse, especially when you're in actual physical discomfort like that. ugg!