say something about ... yourself!

Everybody in my office is moving to a different part of the building, but I am only moving one cubicle back. Every single cube needs to be completely emptied by 5pm and everyone else is struggling to get it done. I did my shit yesterday. Everyone else is stressed out big time and complaining that they have too much stuff to do and can't get moved by 5pm and they're all running around like crazed apes worried that the apocalypse is coming or something. I'm just trying to sit here and work because I'm quite a bit more busy than I usually am and these people are starting to stress me out too, even though I have no reason to be. 0/10.
My wrath has calmed slightly after my long wait at the car services. Instead of raping everyone on earth with no lube, I just require hugs. NO MEN. Except the Dericks/dereks. Sexy beasts.
I enjoyed that film, even though I thought there were slow and boring parts, but that was probably due to the fact that I was incredibly tired and couldn't get comfortable while watching it.

I think Casey Affleck is incredibly attractive. There is something weird about his face and I really like it. Haha.

Yay about the desk and supplies and paper Karen :)
i just finished watching the new south park, so fucking horrible. there were maybe 2 parts where i chuckled, but it wasn't because of a creative funny joke, just because the crazyness of the situation. in the end i was especially disappointed, they're so far out of ideas they just stole one right out of a famous short story "The Lottery". maybe try being original for once you douchefaggots.