say something about ... yourself!

Burnt out the sugared plum candle given to him for jesusday and now has to burn a sunflower one due to the calming effect a tiny flame has on him.

It doesn't smell as good. :(
Must be a great job that has naked at work day.

His chest hurts. Not the left side, so he's annoyed and not worried.
Must be a great job that has naked at work day.

His chest hurts. Not the left side, so he's annoyed and not worried.

Nakedness happened at the after work dildo party. There aren't too many of those at the police station. Hopefully when we move I can get a dispatcher job in Houston or Galveston, they seem to hire often. I do like the work a lot but fuck me if Carrollton isn't a shitty agency.
I went to Towson Town Center once...Derick and I had planned to eat there but nooooo. There was a water main break outside the mall and therefore all the restaurants inside closed due to water contamination, or something.

Gawd it took forever to get back to his house from the airport! I'm so used to living ten minutes from D/FW.
didn't that happen ... like ... the same weekend you got to md for the first time ever?