say something about ... yourself!

I just went out back to piss on my pissing tree and I encountered another kitty cat. This is the third cat I've seen in my yard this week. I'm not feeding this one, it's too fat to be a stray. Where the hell are they coming from?

Whoa, I went out to see if it had come back and the one from two days ago was sitting on a fence. Has my backyard become some kind of cat hang out spot? I certainly hope so.
I had a friend who was the same way. I never saw his house, I entered through his window and went out his window to piss on the neighbor's bushes.

I think it was because his mother was heavily medicated and had like 50 cats.

it seems i'm the main communication between people on this since i'm the one who started messaging people in the first place ... still need confirmation from karen and emily but otherwise YAY! an awesome time shall be had by all!