say something about ... yourself!

Just had a 4 hour nap and is feeling drunk. (Whenever I nap during the day, it always makes me feel drunk.)
When I go to the stupid orthodontist the hot mexican who looks like Jessica Alba uses the plyar like things and she presses down real hard and does something and for some reason my natural reaction is to kind of jump. I'm nervous enough around pretty women as it is but I think she does it on purpose to laugh at me.
I'm about to play Rockband...just downloaded Blackened, And Justice For All and Ride the Lightning so im gonna play the fuck out of them here very soon!

and i have a few days off so yay me
Thinks Liverslapper should suck my cock.

I'd play halo, but not until later tonight... AIM message me in an hour or two.
Finally registered for school and is going to be going to University sometime in the new year. Finally!
I own all the Arcturus albums. I'm excited to have him on the new Myrkgrav it's just...sometimes he doesn't seem all that great. I mean legendary great. He's really cool though.