say something about ... yourself!

Yeah, I was going to send ninjas to poison him. Be sure to mark the piece you're going to give him or someone else is gonna crap out their entire tract into the ground.
Is extremely happy, and extremely bummed at the same time...

Had an ultrasound this morning, it was amazing... everything is going well :)

But I'm really bummed out because:

I have several guitars which I posted photos of some while ago in the guitar thread, but absent was my prized, beloved, most played guitar, a blue Fender Stratocaster with all original shit, '72, the paint is chipped, the finish on the neck is chipped, it's beaten up, has belt scratches all over the back from me and from previous owners, and it was JUST in the shop.

My dad picked it up for me so I didn't have to drive to the south shore. So it was in his living room in his case (the guitar's name is Hillel)...

And my dad's house got fucking broken into.

Every single one of my dad's guitars got stolen, and of course, my fucking beloved guitar got stolen. In addition to my dad's stereo a good deal of his recording equipment and so on and so forth.

I am heart broken :(

I am searching Craigs List and Ebay for my guitar now... maybe whoever stole it is trying to sell it. I want it back so badly...
Yeah I know. It sounds almost pathetic that I am devastated about it. But... that was really my first instrument. It was originally my dad's he has had it since 1988, about a week or so before I was born, and he gave it to me when I started playing because I was always strumming it when he was trying to play it.

I was so attached to it, I loved playing it, and it was definitely show off guitar. I have played it out so much at various jams and such and I am just so angry and pissed off.

Sure it's a material possession, and I'm thankful my dad and dog are both okay and that neither of them were in the house when this happened, thank god they didn't get shot by some fucking stupid you know what fucking cunt trying to steal our shit so they can buy another rock.

I'm furious. Pieces of shit don't even realize it's not all about money. Fucking worthless assholes.
I pretty much have a guitar in my hands at all times whenever I'm home, so if my shit got stolen, i'd probably have a nervous breakdown. It's like an addiction. I get seriously antsy if I'm not playing a guitar. So yeah, track those fuckers down!
It pisses me off even more, because given the neighborhood I used to live in, where my dad still lives... it was probably someone robbing a house so they can support their fucking crack habit. I hate making assumptions, but let's get real. My guitar was probably sold to some jerkoff for the first offering price. I guess I can only hope, though obscurely, that the person who robbed my old house, and took all my dad's shit and my guitar, stole to feed his family or something. Urgh, I am furious.

Thanks for the consolation, I am hunting on ebay as we speak.
Damn Jen that sucks huge. Thieves are the worst and deserve to have their teeth and face kicked in. Good luck finding your guitar.
NoLordyCapone (9:57:40 PM): my left front tire went flat
AnvilSnake (9:57:42 PM): oh, i know.
AnvilSnake (9:57:45 PM): oh?
NoLordyCapone (9:57:49 PM): I thought my alignment was acting odd.
NoLordyCapone (9:58:01 PM): Some guy at the gas station says "Your tire is flat."
NoLordyCapone (9:58:08 PM): "Oh, makes sense then... thank you."
NoLordyCapone (9:58:16 PM): I bought it in May
NoLordyCapone (9:58:21 PM): So free replacement!
AnvilSnake (9:58:25 PM): cool
NoLordyCapone (9:58:36 PM): 6000 us miles at most on it