say something about ... yourself!

Last night was so awesome.

There were like 25 people in my friends sisters little garage house thing and we were all drunk as fuck. There was a lot of temptation to get high but I prevailed. Somehow I ended up on the bed with three girls and the one who's been a bitch to me lately had her head on my shoulder it was so great.

Then when the majority of the people left about 6 of us went on a drunken mission to Walmart, it's a good thing a cop didn't roll by because we were clearly intoxicated. And we met some black dudes and Blockbuster one of which apparently knew me although I didn't remember him, and he bought us Jack In The Box then we drank some more it was so cool.
Nah, I don't have any chance with her. Plus we were surrounded by people.

In other news the old man just called to tell me my cousin is in jail for stealing a motorcycle when he already had a felony marijuana charge. :lol:
family is trying to get (dead) grandmas house ready and up for sale.
We cut down 4 trees.
I tied a rope 20ft up and had my dad cut the tree while I pulled on the rope. thing came down without a hitch. I fucking love destruction!