say something about ... yourself!

Theres more drinking to be done. Throwing up twice is not enough to meet the weekends quota.

Also I'm truly sorry to hear about your situation Russell, nothing is worse than a thief and like you said it'll catch up to them one day.
That sucks Russell. Damned hooligans! :bah:

I am home, after a very long day. I don't like closing the registers at night very much. I know I did it all correctly, but I can't help but replay it all in my mind just to be sure. Oh, the madness! I could never be a manager, I'd be too busy rechecking things than to actually get anything done.
so for the show tonight the guys put down deposit money on the room thats usually used for shows, but what i heard is a rave promoter came in and paid more so that the show we had had to be moved. so basically they put the metal show up in the attic which was small, hot, had only enough stage space for drums and basically sucked. throughout all the sets hella drunken moshers were knocking over gear, slamming into people filming, hitting the people playing and basically just fucking up everything. throughout our set my guitar got tuned down a half a step because i kept getting hit so hard. fuck ravers.
the only upside was it was really weird to see ravers and metalheads chilling int he same hallway, the metalheads getting piss drunk and smoking while the ravers sat there in their fruity outfits, going into and outof the rave, that was sorta funny.
This weekend has kinda sucked. I guess I should be grateful I've devloped a good social life in the past month and get to hang out with hot girls but it's fucking with my head.

Hey so after quitting weed for a week and a half I got so high as fuck and I was listening to this Linkin Park song on the radio from their new album and it was so awesome. It was better than power and heavy metal that's for damn sure. I love getting you riled up like that because I know I have awesome taste in metal and I hope you all feel the same way about yourselves.

So anyway...hey why the fuck are women so confusing? Why are they really nice one morning and then the following night a complete cunt but occasionally slipping into windows of niceness. What the fuck mang.

I'm also a little drunk.
Det Som, can't tell you. Told the last one that played me to "Get AIDs and die."
man i just learned its even worse than i thought. my band and i left about an hour after we played to unload our stuff at our rehearsal space and get food, and supposedly while we were gone the 2 headlining bands weren't able to play because the show got shut down, and not only that, but our show was shutdown while the rave closed their doors and was allowed to go on. we got sold out! hella messed up.
Hello I'm a bit of a lurker, but now I have decided to post more oftens. I am a wee bit drunk and have some ladies coming to my house in a short period of time.

wish me luck!