say something about ... yourself!


God I hate being sick. It's not the mega-bad sick, but enough to irritate me.
I am contemplating psychology. As of right now I am an art history major/arts management major with plans on becoming a professor. But... am 3 credits short of being able to say art history/psychology major. I like a fool pay extra to take more credits each semester.

If I just stay as art history and arts management double major I could graduate in two semesters instead of four more... but if I am now starting to feel like perhaps psychology is what I really want to do.

Ahhhh I don't know what to do!

It's strange, I love both things, and I'd love to teach art history, I can definitely see myself doing that, but I don't feel as though it'd be helping people the way being a therapist would. ::le sigh:: I don't know.

I've taken a few courses, and going back to school in the fall to start my psychology program. It's a very stressful run to psychologist... most people branch off to counselor or hit the business aspect of it...

I really enjoy helping people with their problems, and I've been doing it since I was a little kid... plus I'm really good at analyzing any situation. It's a matter of determination to get there that I have a problem with... I don't usually care much to plan ahead, and going into a 5-year course is just one of those things I like to avoid. Let's hope I can last.

Only be a psychologist if you can handle people and their serious problems. The running joke is, in the mental field, the professionals are worse than the patients, they just get paid to use it to their advantage.

Edit: I'm living proof of that.

You and me both.
