say something about ... yourself!

Blah, ternaders knocked out the power around 3 am this morning and the power company says it won't be back until Saturday.

We drove by the downed lines down the street earlier today and the power guys were just standing around waving their arms in the air like they were confused.
Good news! I heard Bush's approval rating just hit 28%, and Wolf Blitzer assured me it is lower approval than Hoover, who didn't get a number due to no wide polls at the time.
So, he basically says, this is the lowest approval rating ever recorded.

As I said to Derick: "Congratulations President Bush! You're flying a crippled, flaming brick, and damned if you won't crash it into as many buildings as possible on the way down."
I'm Back!

I got my net connection back, and I hope I can have more time to bug you guys like I used too. :)

I have also moved to Ohio, beat the game Fear, and am still waiting to see the movie the Mist :( Been allot going on since I've been gone.


It's difficult explaining to everyone here that the metal horns aren't an insult, because that's where it's an old, old Italian tradition. Ronnie James Dio popularized it because his family is from Padova and his grandma used to give the "cornutto" (which is the metal horns sign) to people she thought were bad.

Here, it means something akin to: "You're wife is cheating on you and you should be ashamed of yourself for letting it happen", or something along those lines.

SO, we have all these really scary and ugly metalheads here saying "I love you" in sign language to all the bands here. I try to tell them but they just don't understand. Dumbasses.

But then again, getting some of these Italians to think about something outside of Italy is a feat in itself. I think some of them still think the world's flat.
Aye, I thought you were gone forever Morgy. Some said you set out to Scotland in search of the Lochness Monster, others said you just didn't care anymore and spent your fortune in Vegas. Still, others said you were never here to begin with and were a figment of my imagination.
Yeah, tornado in North Irving this morning, and there was another spot of rotation right by us but it didn't develop into a tornado.

The power was out all I went with my parents to buy a $700 generator, and on the way home we get the call that the power is back on :lol:

Oh well!

Also, the animal shelter was closed today because their power was out too. Doggie tomorrow, maybe. Since I had nothing else to do today I went out and secured a couple parts of our fence that were a little loose.
Oh Jeez Cara! Aww generators, John does emergency power as well! We would have been all up at your house with a cute little generator haha. But... bummer about the puppy! I hope you can obtain him tomorrow!

Should I cut my hair? Like angled bob style? Above the shoulder? Short? I was looking in the mirror while brushing my teeth and thought wow I look busted. Haircuts usually help. Cut, no cut?
Well, chances are we will need the generator in the future, so it wasn't a total waste of money. And we can use it to power lights and stuff for the meat party! Otherwise we'd be powering everything through the two outlets on the side of the house, and that might not be safe.

Oooh haircut! I think you'd look good with an angled bob, but not too short, and not toooo angled (like an emo haircut haha).