say something about ... yourself!

Hell yeah, my boss is off today and my work is now finished!! It's only 3:40 and it looks like I'll be heading out early today. Bonus points for clear skies, bright sun, and warm weather outside! Weekend time!!
Rusty required more pictures be taken:

I'll eatchoooo!


Derick had his hair down at first. Bad move. He almost lost his hair :p

And nope, no spoiling going on here.
Well, I guess you're more likely to get shot working as a bank teller than you are at Home Depot :loco:

Puppy drama! He was biting his crate screen and actually got the lower part of his jaw stuck in one of the square spaces. He's fine, but it was upsetting for everyone :erk:

Now I don't wanna put him back in it.
This week at work has been hell, so as soon as I stepped in the door I downed a hoegaarden, followed by another, and another, and now I'm on number 4.

Bout to go out too, and drink even MORE.