say something about ... yourself!

I just have to say that I'm proud of my puppy. He's decided that his kennel outside is his poop room, and whenever we take him in there he squats and poops, or at least squats just in case there's any poop to be pooped. He just ate a big dinner (second dinner actually) and is knocked out...til about 4 am I estimate.

Now I shall take a bath, for all of the puppy hauling and playing has left me feeling old and crotchety.
Aw I'm not all that crotchety actually, I just wanted to say it :p

But when it does hit, it feels like one's entire body wishes to chunk forth globs of...chunks, in a spiteful manner.
My mom enjoys crotchety. My sister too. They like to make scarves and blankets for the family's children. There's always yarn everywhere.
My mom enjoys crotchety. My sister too. They like to make scarves and blankets for the family's children. There's always yarn everywhere.

Hahaha that's actually what made me think of crotchety tonight! When I googled my name, most of what I found was Cara Taylor, who enjoys crocheting purses out of plastic grocery bags. And of course, I read that as "crotcheting" :lol:
So this clerk at the 7-11 who works from 9pm - 4am on weekdays, is always on her cellphone when she's there. Annoying, being slow at the register, etc. So tonight I decided I'd buy a pack of smokes and a bag of chips in just pennies. Needless to say she was pissed, and it provided much laughter on my part. She was counting them for nearly 10 minutes, hahaha. Funniest part was, I had already counted them out and knew I had exactly enough for my items together, so when she got to the end she gave me the most EVIL GLARE I've ever gotten.

Kept her off the phone for 10 minutes atleast.

653 pennies!
So this clerk at the 7-11 who works from 9pm - 4am on weekdays, is always on her cellphone when she's there. Annoying, being slow at the register, etc. So tonight I decided I'd buy a pack of smokes and a bag of chips in just pennies. Needless to say she was pissed, and it provided much laughter on my part. She was counting them for nearly 10 minutes, hahaha. Funniest part was, I had already counted them out and knew I had exactly enough for my items together, so when she got to the end she gave me the most EVIL GLARE I've ever gotten.

Kept her off the phone for 10 minutes atleast.

653 pennies!
that, i approve of.

i do not approve, however, of a person who thinks it's a good idea to teach their child/retard/retarded child independence by having them pay for their Scooby Doo DVD entirely in the nickels and pennies they earned/were given out of pity... when i have to count them out... at a 5pm three days before christmas and i have a line of irate customers halfway through the store. that's when either a coinstar would've come in hand five minutes prior or an abortion/burlap sack and a trip to the river 5/35 years prior.
i dunno, i think im gonna have to say that people who create a myspace for their pets are INSANE. i am quite aware this applies to many members of this very forum, but i stand by it. INSANE.