say something about ... yourself!

We have these guys in the Philly subway with an acoustic guitar and a fucking Micro Cube. For a poor dude, he's got some tone. I'm gonna see if I can haggle the Cube off of him. Mine broke.
My PC is back online, and even FASTER than before. *Dances*

ONLY TOOK TWO WEEKS (Insert Total Recall joke here.)
It's kinda boring around these parts right now.
My thumb has a hang nail.
And I'm pretty sure Dad just ran into the deck with the lawn mower. *giggles*

I ran into the house one time :eek: I was joy riding around the yard.

Not much to report. Just a boring ass day here too. I doodled, looked at TV, checked my email. Sigh~

Oh! I also checked my Yahoo IM for the first time in forever, and was greeted with nothing but porn spam! I didn't know you could get spam through IM. I need to change my instant messenger it would seem.