say something about ... yourself!

I wish some fucking jobs would call me! Theres a few more applications I want to put in but I need a printer.

Hey if you're not going you'll have time to record vocals for me in a few days. :)
I'm gonna stimulate my brain by spending every last penny of that stupid stimulus check on pot.

Fuck giving right it back to the government it came from.
Lol, you guys had your checks mailed... I spent mine over a month ago. On booze, and a few other needed things. Was gonna do other stuff with it, but limited on the fundage at the moment.
Lol, you guys had your checks mailed... I spent mine over a month ago. On booze, and a few other needed things. Was gonna do other stuff with it, but limited on the fundage at the moment.
Your SSN is younger, healthier, and faster than mine apparently heh.
Hey Will, I did get your IM a few days ago. Battery'll be back in a couple of months. Plenty of time for you to get moved in and cozy. Where ya thinkin' about settling?

PS. Just got back from the Psychostick/Powerglove show. One of the funniest/awesome shows I've been to in a while.

Tell me about psychosticks live performance? did they play two ton paperweight?

That sure is a lot of talking about oneself. :)