say something about ... yourself!

So I didn't go to the Dark Tranquility/Christian Death show tonight.... :/
Apparently, some big client we were designing comps for a web site, picked 2 designs out of 8 and mine is one of them ... so now I'm the second head designer for this HUGE website project...
which is great for my career and designer-ego but quite frankly- I hate it when I'm stuck in an office from 9am until almost 8 pm....................................... plus, I really don't like what I made o_O

Get ready for reality. That's the price you pay for being good.
got together with some friends at a coffee/food place, went to a playground afterwards and we just drove around until deciding to watch Hercules!!

an now back at my house and am so exhausted that my joints ache. i'm gettin' old. and i gotta be at work at 8:30. boo.
Boner time!

No work today, yayyyyyyy. The last two days at work pissed me off. They haven't been scheduling enough people in each department lately, so I've been getting to work in 2+ departments a day, at the same time even! During a big sale, also. It got so busy yesterday that one of the lil assistant managers actually lowered herself enough to hop on a register and ring some people up. She looked like she was going to cry hahaha.

I do go to the dentist this morning, though. That's still a lot better than going to work :)
So I didn't go to the Dark Tranquility/Christian Death show tonight.... :/
Apparently, some big client we were designing comps for a web site, picked 2 designs out of 8 and mine is one of them ... so now I'm the second head designer for this HUGE website project...
which is great for my career and designer-ego but quite frankly- I hate it when I'm stuck in an office from 9am until almost 8 pm....................................... plus, I really don't like what I made o_O


Dont' you find it strange when you consider a piece to be " not all that great " but the client really likes it and wants to use it?
I'm often amazed when people pick the crappy one. I sit sometimes and just scratch my head when they pick the bad one and it is right next to the really good design.

Oh well.
Dont' you find it strange when you consider a piece to be " not all that great " but the client really likes it and wants to use it?
I'm often amazed when people pick the crappy one. I sit sometimes and just scratch my head when they pick the bad one and it is right next to the really good design.

Oh well.

Yeah :lol:

and for the record, I don't mind staying late at work, obviously sometimes its needed and I have no problem with it: It's just... I really think that what I did is crap.... :lol:
Got one filling. Only six more to go! :erk:

I also have one impacted wisdom tooth, so that one and the other three need to go. Other than that, I'm good. No cavities between the teeth, at least, and no rotten teefs.
Got one filling. Only six more to go! :erk:

I also have one impacted wisdom tooth, so that one and the other three need to go. Other than that, I'm good. No cavities between the teeth, at least, and no rotten teefs.

I had a tooth out and a bone graft done to fill the jaw. In 6 months I get to shell out 5k or so for a dental implant. I feel your pain.