say something about ... yourself!

being drunk and high is not good, i always get sick when i smoke weed after i have been drinking....your gonna have one hell of a day tomorrow.

just make sure you keep yourself hydrated and eat something

Actually I'm doing pretty good mang. We went to...somewhere I can't even remember. I've never fallen asleep so fast in my life thean being on that handlebar. But my mom just banged on my door saying blah balj blah you left this out you left that out. So now I'm going back to sleep.
why the hell would you move to ohio?! you realize its in the middle of the country right? thousands of miles from either coast? hello?

Sorry it took me so long :erk: The crappy computer is now broke, and the man folk has been home because his boss has been sick. He can hog some computer somtimes. LOL I've also been doing a little video game stint while I'm taking a draw break.

It's just that it's so expensive to live where we are now, and Al's family lives there. I don't get along all that well with mine either. The main reason we decided is Al's Mom wants him to be closer to him. But we were moving either way. Now I would love to go back to the state I was born, Florida. :( I sooo miss it. It's warm, no snow, and I love the wild life.

Anyhow, Athens is actually right smack next to West Virgina, and it's only a six hour drive from here, so it's not completely in bum fucked Ohio LOL. I will still be able to visit my two remaining friends that didn't move away. :)