say something about ... yourself!

is atr this point eating this :p


i dont know how its called in english but here its callad an "eierkoek"

The raisin bran one's are hard to find but they are damn kick ass! I am the pickiest corn cake eater in the world and those fall as my fave, next to those baby corn loafs at Boston market. God damn good!

Uh huh huh, I said corn loaf. :lol:
Slept all day after taking said handlebars. Usually if I see a roach on me I yell, get up, dance around frantically knocking things over. But I was soooo tired I just looked at it for a minute before I gathered the strength to hit it off.
I'm under severe emotional distress after some shit last night and feel very uncomfortable simply sitting here alone in my apartment. I just went and got some beer.

I do not feel like myself today and I'm a bit worried.
Ugh. After being passed out all day on handlebars my friends want to go hang out in the ghetto and if I don't go with them I'll feel left out. Then when some shit comes up they always expect me to handle it because I'm the biggest. I hate my friends.