say something about ... yourself!

yay! we may not be able to attend the chuck norris dinner, but we shall be there on friday, and then on saturday we're absconding with you to see shaolin. if you see chuck on thursday, invite him to the show on saturday! :lol: THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
where are my goddamn girl scout cookies? i thought for sure i heard my aunt's car pull up. she and my cousin are supposed to be here already to peddle cookies!! :mad:

edit: they are on their way, and bringing my grandma. oh joy.
I hope it's not that stupid thing where you have to preorder them and don't get cookies for weeks or months! *shakes fist at girl scouts with their cookie teasing*
and - is upset about turning 25. This is the first birthday that's bothered me.
Quit your whining, I've been 25 for a year now and I'm not dead. Though I am through 1/3 if my life expectancy! I bet I die tomorrow though... that would be funny.

Is indifferent to the fact he is turning 26.

And I want 4 star Chinese food. :cry:
So why do some of you womens lie about it then? :p

(No, seriously, they may as well have told *several* outright lies. Age is not personal information, since it's on register in 800 different places anyway.)

Just never understood the need to be distrusted over the amount of time that has passed since you were spat from a vagina.

Wants food, has not eaten today.
Quit your whining, I've been 25 for a year now and I'm not dead. Though I am through 1/3 if my life expectancy! I bet I die tomorrow though... that would be funny.

Is indifferent to the fact he is turning 26.

And I want 4 star Chinese food. :cry:

Whoa, I feel much better about aging now. You're full of good advice Captain, like when you said relationships are a burden anyway etc. I need to learn the way of the sard and not worry about things.
Stressing about aging is like stressing about gravity. Nothing you say, do, or convince yourself of is going to change its inevitability. One should just live life and enjoy some actual positives that come with getting older (believe it or not, there are many).

A better way to look at it is that life sucks at pretty much any age, so 12 or 35, you're going to have something to be unhappy about just as much as something to celebrate.
yesterday morning, i went into the kitchen to get a drink around 7 am and my mom was fixing food for my brother before he had to go to saturday school.

me: Jesus Christ, it's stupid that he has Saturday school.
mom: Why do you have to use the Lord's name in vain? Why can't you use it in a positive way?
me: ... I'm sure Jesus Christ would think that it's stupid that he has Saturday school.
Jesus would be too busy smoking to go to Saturday school.

Still wants a sandwich. May force feed one to Brooks.
I have to wait at least an hour due to meal twilight. If I ate now, I'd have to eat again at 9 pm PST.

Snacks are bad, as they make me hungrier. :p