say something about ... yourself!

That would cause a temporal lapse, as I am the embodiment of everything. So, it seems, the multiversal plane... is... me.

Haha! You all live in my ass!

...So it seems that visiting all the Wal-marts = suicide, but with proton packs and stream crossing involved.
back to the age discussion a couple pages back, in three months i'm turning 20, thats seems kind of weird. I certainly dont feel 20.
me too! ... well, 2 months, but still... gahh! it just doesn't even seem like it should happen. i guess i just never imagine myself as being any older than 16. it never seems right for me to be older and have responsibilities and the expectations that i should've ... accomplished stuff. ugg.
Is not stressed or whining about turning 25, I said it bothered me and every girlfriend of mine has agreed that 25 was their hardest birthday.
You'll hate 30, 35, 40, 45, 50...

It's only hard if you think the end of the world is wrinkles. To which I say none of you have been in your prime since 16 anyway. :)
Not exactly. Most females hit their physical prime between 16 and 19. Sexual prime isn't the same thing.

Either way, do humor me and explain to a man who only sees aging in medical terms what it is about 1/3 life expectancy that bothers a young lady so?

I was more annoyed that I DIDN'T notice any difference.
It doesn't mean you can't still be sexy and boner inducing into your 30s and maybe 40s. Just means you don't really improve from there *naturally* and have to do it yourself.