say something about ... yourself!

Don't let em get to ya Laura. :(

Steve I know what you mean. They're my best buds though I trust em. I sure hope it works out cause otherwise I'd have to work full time along with college that would kill me.

Captain, I wish you were my uncle. Not so I could get back handed, I'd know better then to talk back to you.
i also understand how you feel with your parents, mine are the same way. My step mom is a bible jumper...very strict home and it was disfunctional as hell. I wish ya luck in the future
I Like it, and its not to far away from EVERYTHING either.

since i graduated i've had my own apartment and a small i have another apartment here in texas.

i was paying bills and such by myself working at walmart for the longest time till i became a certified IGT Slot Tech., i didn't have a lot of money for myself but it paid the bills.
it blows because i actually wouldn't have the money worries if i still worked at walmart ... i just hated that place so fucking much and going back would involve working with/near this dude who i just don't wanna see.

there is one the same amount of time in the opposite direction and i guess if i get desperate enough i could see what they'd pay me just to be a cashier or, going that way tomorrow to look for a job so i guess i'll go by and check that out.
He says that directly? I backhanded the last relative-kid that thought he could disrespect me in such tones. But then, his parents did side with me. Damn most people's families are cockbiters.
yeah... he and the girl are both ace at getting to me with shit.

like, obviously all siblings are like that, even going at it meaning to seriously hurt ... they're twins, so they're even worse with each other - plus both having serious anger problems and being in junior high ... they can be so fucking insane. but ... you know, you live with someone for all 14 yrs of your life and see how self-conscious and self-hating they can be, plus seeing them as getting "special treatment" from your parents since they're their first kid and almost didn't make it ... you know they don't fight back, you just fucking destroy them.
you know, you live with someone for all 14 yrs of your life and see how self-conscious and self-hating they can be, plus seeing them as getting "special treatment" from your parents since they're their first kid and almost didn't make it ... you know they don't fight back, you just fucking destroy them.

What's this in the bold now?

Is wanting pie.
i was born really premature and almost died. my dad's always been really overprotective of me for that reason (and the whole first kid, first daughter thing) ... ever since i told them i didnt believe in God, at the age of 7, my dad will always pull this "your life is a miracle of God" thing ... my mom does the same thing, but it's more along the lines of "why don't you believe in God? believe in God? you still don't believe in God? what's influencing to make you think this way?? ... do you believe in God yet?"

she's got the memory of a goldfish ... it's pretty routine that once a month she'll tell me she hopes i don't become an atheist.
i was born really premature and almost died. my dad's always been really overprotective of me for that reason (and the whole first kid, first daughter thing) ... ever since i told them i didnt believe in God, at the age of 7, my dad will always pull this "your life is a miracle of God" thing ... my mom does the same thing, but it's more along the lines of "why don't you believe in God? believe in God? you still don't believe in God? what's influencing to make you think this way?? ... do you believe in God yet?"

she's got the memory of a goldfish ... it's pretty routine that once a month she'll tell me she hopes i don't become an atheist.

I was a preemie and nearly died a few times myself, especially up through age three, due to severe fevers, a grand-mal (at the time it was so named) seizure and horrid blood vessels blocking my airway, but it was medicine and science that saved me. My non-practicing-but-still-believes-in-a-creative-force father even said leaving it to Jesus wouldn't have saved my ass. :)
I should train them as suicide squads... they go in and draw fire upon themselves as the ninjas flank and take the enemy out from behind. Your siblings would die honorably instead of by getting their skulls crushed by someone like me getting mad when they cut them off in traffic.
I guarantee they'd die if I took them, they're TACTICALLY DESIGNED to be shot at, even though they do critical damage to the front lines.
I felt like Liversanpper a couple of years ago when a relationship of 3 years abrubtly ended for me. Now what I sometimes want more than anything is to devise a way to get revenge on that heartless bitch :heh: :heh: :heh: