say something about ... yourself!

Got the first half of the solo almost all the way down in Symbiotic in theory and the rhythm down on the second solo (which is a fucking awesome rhythm).
I just got into this arguement with this rich inheretince baby motherfucker.... he was whining cause his properties depreciated below 12 million. Motherfucker's 23... You know what I told him?

I said: Hey you fucking asshole, I'm 19, i've got 20 bucks to my fucking name, I work in a god damn factory, I own not a god damn property. You wanna sit there and whine and bitch because you've only got 12 mill in properties? Think about if you worked for a fucking minute in your life, in a god damn factory, doing shit work, making less than fucking toilet paper in your house is worth a year.

Mother fucker shut right the fuck up.

And then my aunt starts bitching about how she's only getting 9000 in alamony a month from her ex husband. Fuck that. I'd kill for 9000 a month to sit on my ass and do nothing but do nothing.

These rich fucking people are pissing me the fuck off.

And saturday? A party. 100 of the biggest players in philly and jersey are coming here. We're talking big shit (pictures will come)... I'm gonna fucking have a god damn fucking stroke. Fuck these fucking rich people.

Back to my booze.
man, wawa guys just gave me a free hoagie...

they saw my utah id when i bought cigs, and just said "get this man a hoagie, he lives in fucking utah."
that rocked

sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep time