say something about ... yourself!

the next time an overtly sleazy guy prepositions me at work, i think i'm gonna just tell him that i have chlamydia.

maybe then, i won't have to put up with stuff like the following:

i was the only person on a register at the lumber department and this guy swaggers over to me - middle aged, wearing a wife-beater, tattoos ... basically, a 40 year-old wanksta. he's only buying some candy, so i start ringing that up, he looks at my name written on my apron.
wanksta - Soo, Laura... what're you up to?
me - just working for a few more hours
wanksta - so what're we gonna do when you get out of work?
me - we'll I'M going to the gym and then I'M going home
wanksta - you can skip the gym for one night. let's go out.
me - nope, need to go to the gym
wanksta - we can get some exercise...
me - no.

he leaves, i ring up other customers, then he comes back with this cart full of stuff - copper pipes, drywall, etc. and just goes right past me towards the door
me - hey, you're gotta pay for that.
wanksta - already did. another guy's coming with my receipt.
me - well, you're gotta stay here until i see a receipt.
wanksta - i think you just stopped me to get my phone number.
me - no, i stopped you because you're about to leave my store with a shitload of stuff you can't prove you paid for.

he tells me he paid for his stuff at a nearby desk where guys handle special orders, will-call, etc. i go over to the guy at that desk and the wanksta follows me
me (to the guy at the desk) - did you ring him up?
guy - ... you rang him up earlier (he was being an asshole. the guys at that desk are usually assholes to the cashiers)
me - seriously, did they pay for that stuff?
guy - yeah, they're fine

then some other douche walks up and stands next to the wanksta and has an armload of stuff.
me (to other guy) - are you guys together?
douche (suggestively) - well... we can all be together.
me - leave. just get the hell out.

so yeah, from now on, i'm just cockblocking their bullshit by saying i have chlamydia.
might have chlamyidia, i think i meant to say.

guy - soo... you wanna come home with me?
me - sorry, gotta go get tested for chlamydia.
guy - well, i just so happen to have that too.
me - you think i wanna catch that shit?!?
might have chlamyidia, i think i meant to say.

guy - soo... you wanna come home with me?
me - sorry, gotta go get tested for chlamydia.
guy - well, i just so happen to have that too.
me - you think i wanna catch that shit?!?
Signed up for City College classes today. I'm taking:

Social deviance and social issues
Cosmic evolution
Introduction to philosophy: knowledge and its limits
The U.S. since 1900

And I talked to my manager and will still be able to work 3 days a week!
the next time an overtly sleazy guy prepositions me at work, i think i'm gonna just tell him that i have chlamydia.

maybe then, i won't have to put up with stuff like the following:

i was the only person on a register at the lumber department and this guy swaggers over to me - middle aged, wearing a wife-beater, tattoos ... basically, a 40 year-old wanksta. he's only buying some candy, so i start ringing that up, he looks at my name written on my apron.
wanksta - Soo, Laura... what're you up to?
me - just working for a few more hours
wanksta - so what're we gonna do when you get out of work?
me - we'll I'M going to the gym and then I'M going home
wanksta - you can skip the gym for one night. let's go out.
me - nope, need to go to the gym
wanksta - we can get some exercise...
me - no.

he leaves, i ring up other customers, then he comes back with this cart full of stuff - copper pipes, drywall, etc. and just goes right past me towards the door
me - hey, you're gotta pay for that.
wanksta - already did. another guy's coming with my receipt.
me - well, you're gotta stay here until i see a receipt.
wanksta - i think you just stopped me to get my phone number.
me - no, i stopped you because you're about to leave my store with a shitload of stuff you can't prove you paid for.

he tells me he paid for his stuff at a nearby desk where guys handle special orders, will-call, etc. i go over to the guy at that desk and the wanksta follows me
me (to the guy at the desk) - did you ring him up?
guy - ... you rang him up earlier (he was being an asshole. the guys at that desk are usually assholes to the cashiers)
me - seriously, did they pay for that stuff?
guy - yeah, they're fine

then some other douche walks up and stands next to the wanksta and has an armload of stuff.
me (to other guy) - are you guys together?
douche (suggestively) - well... we can all be together.
me - leave. just get the hell out.

so yeah, from now on, i'm just cockblocking their bullshit by saying i have chlamydia.

What an asshole! If that happened at Macy's I think I'd call our burly lumberjack loss prevention guy to throw somebody like that out.

We are dealing with our very own creep though. There's this kinda old guy, looks to be in his 60's I guess, very tall and slim, looks like Anthony Perkins, dresses like Anthony Perkins did in Psycho, and swiftly walks through the store numerous times a day. Don't know if he's a mall walker, a mall employee, or what...oh, also, he doesn't talk. The first couple of times I saw him I greeted him but he didn't say anything back, so I gave up saying anything to him. He does GRUNT very loudly sometimes as he's walking through the store though.

Well...we have this cute lil girl that works in fine jewelry, and one day he just went up to her counter and slid his card across the counter to her, while not saying a word. She said it didn't look like a business just had his name and number. WEIRD. (plus, why does he have a phone if he doesn't talk?)

Continuing on, while I was eating my lunch in the food court one day last week, this very guy sat down at the table directly behind me, facing me. I finished eating and then went to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, he was still at that table, but facing the other way, so that he was facing me as I walked past.

If I ever do see him doing anything weird to anyone in the store, I will call LP on him.
What an asshole! If that happened at Macy's I think I'd call our burly lumberjack loss prevention guy to throw somebody like that out.

We are dealing with our very own creep though. There's this kinda old guy, looks to be in his 60's I guess, very tall and slim, looks like Anthony Perkins, dresses like Anthony Perkins did in Psycho, and swiftly walks through the store numerous times a day. Don't know if he's a mall walker, a mall employee, or what...oh, also, he doesn't talk. The first couple of times I saw him I greeted him but he didn't say anything back, so I gave up saying anything to him. He does GRUNT very loudly sometimes as he's walking through the store though.

Well...we have this cute lil girl that works in fine jewelry, and one day he just went up to her counter and slid his card across the counter to her, while not saying a word. She said it didn't look like a business just had his name and number. WEIRD. (plus, why does he have a phone if he doesn't talk?)

Continuing on, while I was eating my lunch in the food court one day last week, this very guy sat down at the table directly behind me, facing me. I finished eating and then went to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, he was still at that table, but facing the other way, so that he was facing me as I walked past.

If I ever do see him doing anything weird to anyone in the store, I will call LP on him.
the sleazy guy who used to work in the flooring dept (he got fired for sexual harrassment, GO FIGURE!!) did the same phone number-card thing. he just goes up to my register, puts a card on the table, says "hey, don't tell anyone about this" and walks away. i see his phone number written on it and "call me sometime :)" ... inappropriate and he knew it. great guy.

and maybe since that guy looks and acts like anthony perkins, he'll die of AIDS too...
Signed up for City College classes today. I'm taking:

Social deviance and social issues
Cosmic evolution
Introduction to philosophy: knowledge and its limits
The U.S. since 1900

And I talked to my manager and will still be able to work 3 days a week!

Much more interesting than what Im taking in the fall.

Intro to Geology
American PoliSci
Politics and the Individual
Some stupid english class

I wanted to take Arabic but the fucks aren't offering Arabic 1 this fall. :mad: