say something about ... yourself!

It really does suck having no one to play with. I'm extremely unmotivated writing music when I have to do every single fucking thing myself.

I pick up my guitar twice a week at the most. I'm still doing ok but I bet it's only a matter of time before I start losing skill. Been sick and can't record vocals either.
I would do so aggressively because I hate the bitch.

She does seem like a bit of a bitch but goddamn she's hot.

Yeha man, if you like fantasy stories at all, this one is gonna kick your ass. I'd definitely recommend reading the book first though if you can. It's called Wizard's First Rule.

Morganna, did you go get it yet? ;)

Well, I went to the library and it's not in. But, the people at my new library are very sweet. A vast contrast from the Bowie library that always had some woman behind the desk giving you the stink eye. They say that I will be contacted when it comes in! :kickass:

Another cool thing about my library, no late fees. The woman even let me check out new books when the others were late one time. And let me keep the late book until I was finished, so long as I read that one first. She made me promise. I know I do allot of complaining about my new town, but I will say they are some of the nicest people I've ever seen here.

I'm really looking forward to this book because of what you say about it. I really need to read something like this at this point in my life. I hope it comes in soon.
Doc finally called, my hormone levels are wacky, I'm severely anemic, I have PCOS and they found a mass during the sonogram, which may or may not be something. I go back for further tests in 10 days. Hearing that during the worst day I've ever had at work turned me into a crying and blubbering mess for the last 4 hours of work. At least people felt sorry for me and gave me candy.

:( Hugs to you Samantha.
Same. :(

*blah blah Det Som is being whiny again".

No, I'm not. I'm just hoping it delivers in that "look at the bright side of things" perspective mentioned. At least I'm not Two Face from The Dark Knight.

I have not seen Dark Knight. :cry: No fair!

I know what you mean John. I know, it's hard not to whine when life's a bucket of shit. I fight with it all the time lately as mine is em, a bit in the weeds. Sometimes the fingers just want to belt it out. Other times I think "nah, I just want to have fun, fuck it, I don't want to get into it." And I do talk to myself. hahha.

So I think that means Sard in it's purest form keeps me from whining. :loco:

It's funny how I get in the chats all grumpy and Kevin mentions that book. And DING! That's just the distraction I need! Hahhaha, I was really having a shitty night that night Kev. You are awesome and did not even know you were being awesome!
I'm a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man!
*snare snare snare snare snare snare snare*

I'm a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man.
*snare snare snare snare snare snare snare*

I'm a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man.
*snare snare snare snare snare snare snare*
I'm a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man!
*snare snare snare snare snare snare snare*

I'm a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man.
*snare snare snare snare snare snare snare*

I'm a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man.
*snare snare snare snare snare snare snare*

:lol: Goof! we could also sing the Ren and Stimpy nose goblin song. :D or, Don't wizz on the electric fence!

I used to have the soundtrack on tape. :( Now it's gone!
I have not seen Dark Knight. :cry: No fair!

I know what you mean John. I know, it's hard not to whine when life's a bucket of shit. I fight with it all the time lately as mine is em, a bit in the weeds. Sometimes the fingers just want to belt it out. Other times I think "nah, I just want to have fun, fuck it, I don't want to get into it." And I do talk to myself. hahha.

So I think that means Sard in it's purest form keeps me from whining. :loco:

It's funny how I get in the chats all grumpy and Kevin mentions that book. And DING! That's just the distraction I need! Hahhaha, I was really having a shitty night that night Kev. You are awesome and did not even know you were being awesome!
I'm always awesome :lol:
Glad to be of help hehe. That book is so enjoyable. Don't be intimidated when you get it... it's REALLY long but I was hooked 5 pages into it. Next thing I knew I was starting the second book.
hahah! oh I won't be intimidated, I've read some big one's in my time. And speaking of big one's I haven't read a super great, big ass fantasy since the Elric series, and the Amber series. I'm dying to sink my teeth in another one. Man they were those kind of books that I wish I could read all over again, but for the first time. I've read good since, but not, just WOW.

Oh my god, but I have to get it read before the mini series starts. I better get a call that it's in cus I gotta get cracking.

haha, Damn! You know I thought you just started doing that off the top of your head!

At home behind the keyboard, I say "Boy the cheese has finally fallen off of Johns cracker." hahahah.

But I got allot of nerve being that I pulled a "Post in the wrong thread" thing again. :( I thought you were talking about Ren and Stimpy when I was reading about Married with children. :erk::lol: